Why it is so important to determine who is stronger between Kata and King?

Both characters evolve on the same level. One being stronger than the other change nothing to the story or for their characters. Furthermore, the gap should be marginal between them.
That because someone don't want accept fact that Katakuri is strongest YC1
what’s nonsensical about calling sanji the vice captain when he did what a vice captain does?

isn’t the vice captain the guy who leads the crew when the captain is absent? when luffy in the beginning of the raid went to the front gate zoro followed him while sanji stayed with the weak trio
Key point here is that Both Zoro and Luffy were absent during that time. If Zoro was present he would've filled in the captain role instead of Sanji.
zoro is undoubtably luffys right hand and everyone agrees on that but sanji is the vice captain

sanji literally took the role of the vice captain and lead the half of crew from dressrosa to zou and oda nicknamed the crew swirly hats

it doesn’t get more concrete than that, sanji is the vice captain
will have to disagree with you on that it was only natural for sanji to take on the leadership role among that group who were heading to zou. not downplaying the job he did though standing up against big mom pirates leading crew to safely to zou was impressive.