Bleach is above the rest.
Then comes Naruto and Fairy Tail. Naruto has characters that are planet level like Kaguya, Rikudo Sennin and Madara. The other powerful characters are Naruto, Sasuke, Kakashi, Guy, Obito, Hashirama and Nagato are continent or land level. Without them, the other characters are not so strong, I would say they are very weak lol. Without the 10 characters Naruto verse is not so strong. That's why I put Naruto together with Fary Tail, because Fairy Tail have in my opinion far more powerful characters or characters with hax abillities. For example, the Spriggan 12, Zeref, Acnologia, the dragon gods or the "normal" dragons, Celestial Spirit King, Mard Geer, Gildarts etc. A lot of the characters from Fairy Tail are more useful and more powerful than characters from Naruto, but Naruto has at least three characters (without Boruto series) that are planet level characters. The only reason why I put them together lol.
Then comes One Piece, I think One Piece characters have really good abillities. I really like the devil fruit system. But I don't see most of them on a big level.
Yeah, thats my opinion. Although I think that a comparison is difficult, since I don't know how some abilities would work on other universes, as examples, can the other see Bleach characters? Aren't they invisible? How does Genjutsu work on the others? Would Haki work on Juvia, Ajeel or Gaara? Would magic like Meldy's work on Logias too? That and more, are things I can't really say if it would work etc.