Spoiler One Piece Chapter 989 Spoilers Discussion

Who is stronger?

  • King

    Votes: 106 41.2%
  • Katakuri

    Votes: 91 35.4%
  • Raid Suit Sanji

    Votes: 60 23.3%

  • Total voters
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I disagree simply because Momo would SURELY state something like: "I'm not yet deserving to be Shogun, I will find out the truths of the world, just like my father, and then I will come back and take the seat"... just like his father, and I daresay that he will entrust the place to one of the retainers... OR if Oda pulls a Pell with Yasui, Yasui will be temporarily shogun LMAO, but he should be dead, so it must be a retainer for some time
Oden’s dream was to discover the world but Momo has never shown any interest in that. He just wants to be the Shogun, which Oden never cared about, even if he was supposed to become one.
This is the important moment.

The very first time in over half a decade that all the straw hats were together. And she's not just some tiny thing in the background, she's slap bang in the centre.

Actually her chances keep rising and rising. The longer she's the only character that's intentionally been left with the straw hats, the better. There's the Perospero interaction on the horizon, and Carrot's sulong has been specifically saved whereas Oda had no problems making the rest of the minks transform. Oda's intentionally singled Carrot out from the minks and has put her next to the straw hats.

Carrot may not have been in the straw hat spread, but it's not the end of the world. Franky and Brook weren't in the spread either, and that didn't stop them from joining.

Wanda is next to the SHs as well in the panel you posted. Is she joining the crew too now? Lol

Blother Fertitta

Real Ni**er Blother
Why are people ignoring the fact that Law and Kid will be in the tag team against Kaido? And possibly also Hawkins who was with Law, and probably xDrake as well :kayneshrug:
It won't only be Luffy and Zoro it's a big team,

though obviously Luffy will be the one who will stand at the end and gives the last blow to finish him
Perveted 8 years old brat who mocking the adult while rubbing women chest.... please no....
You make it sound like Oda wouldn't pull that off
:few: We all know, Oda is that kind of man!

Carrot's younger than all of them. Even Chopper. And to say Carrot doesn't lead is wrong too. She's not a leader, but she does take initiative and express her own individuality. Such as when she leapt out to attack Zoro despite not knowing who he was. Or when decided to sneak aboard the sunny to pursue her own adventure against the wishes of pretty much everyone. Or when she charged in to attack Brulee whilst the others stood around watching. Or when she decided to draw all the straw hats so that they could ask the mirrors where they were. Or when she decided to attack Katakuri despite it being suicide. Or when she decided to act as the ship's lookout. Or when she told Chopper to sit back and watch as she went Sulong and disabled a yonko fleet. Or when she decided to go help rescue Momo with Nami despite all the other minks following Siciliian.

She has tons of individuality and initiative.
How long has Carrot been with SHs???? Zou? WCI? Wano? Now, Onigashima???? What's her progress with Luffy? how close are they? Does Luffy even express how amazed he is with her? is Luffy clingy to her like other crew members???? Luffy gives ZERO FUCKS about her, so basically, why should I see value in her joining?

What I meant in my post is three 'not that big' arcs like Reverse Mountain, Drum Kingdom thing. I agree we got 4 arcs but that would be 'BIG' arc. Like Raftel, WG, Elbaf and (idk). Vegapunk, Lodestar and 'moon' arc if such a thing existed are the arcs where the new crew adapt. As long as I love Vivi, her power is not enough. Even Monet the dead is still good for sh considering her power and knowledge.
I personally do not believe that...
I personally think this arc will bring both Kaido/BM down...

then, We will have TWO big arcs:
1- One that will include Shanks/BB/Xebec
2- The last will include WG/Revolutionary army (Final War)

Rest of arcs will be like Zou, set up small arcs, that's what I believe

But he declared he's going to be the Shogun so I really can't see him leaving with the SH. Besides, what is he going to bring to the table for the crew? Be the new emergency food or their new dragon pet? Basically stealing Chopper's role lol.
Yeah, he declared, but isn't necessarily going to take the throne just now! Just like how Momonosuke refused to take "Ame no Habakeri" sword saying not yet... end of this arc, he can easily say that he needs to become a man worthy of being shogun first, and his step towards that is reaching laugh tale and discovering what his father knew with Roger... it really is easy convincing argument to make to delay his shogunate
Wanda is next to the SHs as well in the panel you posted. Is she joining the crew too now? Lol
In the official Japanese and English release, no she's not. And even then, in the version that she is shown, she's some insignificant thing so far in the background that half of her is cropped off. Difference is that Carrot's totally involved in the moment and is acting like a member of the crew, welcoming back Jinbe as they all finally reunite. Wanda on the other hand is just an onlooker and is very clearly distanced from them. So distanced that she didn't even make it onto the page in the official releases, lmao.
This is the important moment.

The very first time in over half a decade that all the straw hats were together. And she's not just some tiny thing in the background, she's slap bang in the centre.

Actually her chances keep rising and rising. The longer she's the only character that's intentionally been left with the straw hats, the better. There's the Perospero interaction on the horizon, and Carrot's sulong has been specifically saved whereas Oda had no problems making the rest of the minks transform. Oda's intentionally singled Carrot out from the minks and has put her next to the straw hats.

Carrot may not have been in the straw hat spread, but it's not the end of the world. Franky and Brook weren't in the spread either, and that didn't stop them from joining.
I know that and I understand that. Ok spread aside I admit to hype Jimbei and the already recognized members. But the fight at the onigashima entrance even coward trio hiding in the back got drew have panel and they dialogue after the fight. Carrot is eager to fight that how I like about her. But not showing during critical moment... Spread aside
Oden’s dream was to discover the world but Momo has never shown any interest in that. He just wants to be the Shogun, which Oden never cared about, even if he was supposed to become one.
Bro... I understand that, how many times do I need to say "He can easily say that he's not deserving of the shogunate YET"... I know it's his dream, I fucking know, but it's a scenario I can see Oda pulling off where Momo wants to become shogun after becoming MORE DESERVING, how can he become more deserving? by accomplishing what his father accomplished, which is reaching Laugh Tale with next pirate king!
In the official Japanese and English release, no she's not. And even then, in the version that she is shown, she's some insignificant thing so far in the background that half of her is cropped off. Difference is that Carrot's totally involved in the moment and is acting like a member of the crew, welcoming back Jinbe as they all finally reunite. Wanda on the other hand is just an onlooker and is very clearly distanced from them. So distanced that she didn't even make it onto the page in the official releases, lmao.
It's a scanlation crop. She's still there.
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