Current Events The Numbers are disappointing?

I think it would be cool if Black Maria reveals that she plans to kidnap Robin and abandon the BP after Robin obtains a rubbing of the BP’s Road Poneglyph so that way she can get closer to making herself PK
Hmm, I'd might be interested if she relents afterwards and what not with a couple of my own preferences with it for a plotline.

Formerly Seth

I think it would be cool if Black Maria reveals that she plans to kidnap Robin and abandon the BP after Robin obtains a rubbing of the BP’s Road Poneglyph so that way she can get closer to making herself PK
Sound refreshing in this shitty manga I dig it.

Formerly Seth

It's got an Ornament on it right? Hmmm... maybe but maybe not.
I remember talking about how Black Maria would take control of the Numbers or something be.... wonder if that's gonna happen lol
I'd dig this but only if she's not involved with Ceasar. Too many people worked for this weakling.
They are all drunk btw
Not sure if it will matter but possibly?

Also realized that they all seem to exclusively laugh. Makes me wonder if they've also been fed smiles,but i hope they have kaiju devil fruits