Spoiler One Piece Chapter 990 Spoilers Discussion

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Base Dukes are not commander level. They're Top vet level at best. They couldn't fight Jack without rest who himself fought for 5 days straight.
Neither could jack top them... Jack is ancient zoan and fishmen he doesnt need rest that much to recover.

You are basically creating your own fanfictions
Dukes being Top Vet is stupid since base Capone is Top vet >= Oven yet placed below base Neko.

I like Jack but thinking Jack was shown superior to Dukes 1 v 1 back in Zou is a lie.
The only thing he was superior at was stamina.

Dukes never needed rest, it was just their policy of not fighting at the same place and ruling zou each 12 hr.

Your PL scaling is a joke. I'm starting to think you create whatever to make yourself feel good.

How can Base Dukes be top Vet when base Capone is already Top vet. What the hell
another translation from 4chan, I don't know if this is more accurate:josad:

Episode 990 Lone Army

Sasaki gets rescued
Jack vs. Inu Neko
King's on the line says the search for the Yamato is over.
Since Kaidou is on the roof, King has ordered his men to stop enemy's going up.
Who's Who invites Drake to go out with him because he's going to kill the Queen (the handwriting seems to be part of this scene).
Luffy's going into gear 4 in the midst of a huge crowd.
(Back to the scene) Drake getting beaten up by the Queen and Who's Who.
It turns out that it was Drake who lets Law go.
Numbers are fighting Luffy, at the destination he managed to escape from them.
The Monkey King Gun and the Ten Demons X hunting ground together to destroy the numbers? (Because it's still unknown?
Drake to Luffy: "I'm a lone soldier. Let me fight with you."
Luffy: "Hah?!" Don.
Break next week


World's Strongest Swordsman
Neither could jack top them... Jack is ancient zoan and fishmen he doesnt need rest that much to recover.

You are basically creating your own fanfictions
Dukes being Top Vet is stupid since base Capone is Top vet >= Oven yet placed below base Neko.

I like Jack but thinking Jack was shown superior to Dukes 1 v 1 back in Zou is a lie.
The only thing he was superior at was stamina.

Dukes never needed rest, it was just their policy of not fighting at the same place and ruling zou each 12 hr.

Your PL scaling is a joke. I'm starting to think you create whatever to make yourself feel good.

How can Base Dukes be top Vet when base Capone is already Top vet. What the hell
Lmfao the irony
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