Spoiler One Piece Chapter 990 Spoilers Discussion

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> With the combination of Kong Gun and Juuki X Calibur, the Numbers got crushed(It's not confirmed if they are defeated?)

TBH Juuki X Calibur looks like a X-Drake's technique.
Wait for the images

first spoilers mentions Zoro is w/Luffy vs Numbers
next translations one says drake is and the other says zoro is attacking numbers

leaves too much confusion
Why not all three?
Probably all three use their attack?
Overall xDrake is not down and he ask for Luffy for help to take on Queen+WsW


Bald Spoiler Provider
Fk this shut luffy run off wasting more Fkin time running into trash super nova or some oden Fkin wannabe then two week break and repeat thre same shit again.
At least in marine ford we cut to white beard admirals and other people doing crazy shit but here we have luffy spamming g4 like he’s a Fkin Retard
Oh! kk ^^. He did use Onigari but! I goofed a bit as well lolz...There is a the Kanji for "10" there as well so the technique translates to "10 Demons Hunt" as opposed to "Demon Hunt" ^^

Lastly on the bolded bit, the whole sentence is just saying that we see Luffy & Zoro attack the numbers together ^^."

Okay so i think both sides can celebrate. We see X Drake attack, AND luffy Zoro action
Can @PuckTheGreat confirm this in person ?
Oh! kk ^^. He did use Onigari but! I goofed a bit as well lolz...There is a the Kanji for "10" there as well so the technique translates to "10 Demons Hunt" as opposed to "Demon Hunt" ^^

Lastly on the bolded bit, the whole sentence is just saying that we see Luffy & Zoro attack the numbers together ^^."

Okay so i think both sides can celebrate. We see X Drake attack, AND luffy Zoro action
Yall are confused
Oh! kk ^^. He did use Onigari but! I goofed a bit as well lolz...There is a the Kanji for "10" there as well so the technique translates to "10 Demons Hunt" as opposed to "Demon Hunt" ^^

Lastly on the bolded bit, the whole sentence is just saying that we see Luffy & Zoro attack the numbers together ^^."

Okay so i think both sides can celebrate. We see X Drake attack, AND luffy Zoro action

Fk this shut luffy run off wasting more Fkin time running into trash super nova or some oden Fkin wannabe then two week break and repeat thre same shit again.
At least in marine ford we cut to white beard admirals and other people doing crazy shit but here we have luffy spamming g4 like he’s a Fkin Retard
Idiot Luffy can control his haki now. He can span ag4 if he want
The attack is named Juuki X calibur

How can it be Zoro's onigari lol
TBH i also didn't understand that sentence at first because the 'X' just blew my mind and '狩場の共演' is also weird(even a japanese asked what does that mean in 5ch), not understanding the sentence to translate it, it's difficult too. The reason why he got 'Onigari' is probably because of '十鬼X狩場' if you delete the X and the other 2 kanjis and the X you get '鬼狩' Onigari, that's the only reason to why i can think that he got Onigari.
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