Spoiler One Piece Chapter 990 Spoilers Discussion

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Sanji fans are all behind Drake so they can wank Sanji for tanking animal form Drake hits in base
I just want to see confident proactive characters. I hate when Oda turns characters into weak damsels asking the strawhats for help. Take control of their own destiny like Perospero, he doesn't care about anyone but his loyalty to BM.
TBH i also didn't understand that sentence at first because the 'X' just blew my mind and '狩場の共演' is also weird(even a japanese asked what does that mean in 5ch), not understanding the sentence to translate it, it's difficult too. The reason why he got 'Onigari' is probably because of '十鬼X狩場' if you delete the X and the other 2 kanjis and the X you get '鬼狩' Onigari, that's the only reason to why i can think that he got Onigari.
Like always thank you for always translating for The People


You can't win
Hmm I knew it was strange that X Drake was nowhere to be seen these latest chapters. Oda was probably preparing this reveal that he was gangbanged by Queen and Who's Who until escaping somehow. I wonder how he escaped though, but let's go, another SN joining the alliance :optimistic:

where is hawkins?!:goatasure:
Seeing how the chapter focuses on X Drake's betrayal, I think the Hawkins mentioned is from a flashback @Kejon
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