I thought Kanmei's military service record didn't suffer a single loss as he said?
You know, I was wondering about the exact same thing. So I looked back at Chapters 311-313 and this is what I found.
Assuming that all these translations are 100% accurate and that Kanmei is telling the truth, Kanmei himself states that he has never suffered a single loss since his first campaign.
So there is still room for Kanmei to have suffered a military defeat in a battle
before his first military campaign.
Military campaigns in Kingdom are usually overseen by Great Generals in most cases so if Kanmei was defeated before his first campaign then it is probable that he was defeated when he himself was only a General. If that is the case then it would have been General Kanmei vs (former) Great General(s) Man U/Sen To Un/Gen U/Juko Ou. Defeating a relatively inexperienced General Kanmei would be a completely different task to defeating the experienced Great General Kanmei that Moubu faced.
Interestingly, Kanmei does in fact mention that there was a foe only ten years ago that made him use his mace.
This could well be one of the Juuko Four (probably Man U). Considering that Kanmei defeated Great General Oukotsu with his sword.
This would mean that whoever Kanmei fought with his mace, Kanmei considered them to be stronger than Oukotsu, who was considered to be the strongest in brute strength out of the Qin Six.
So that would be some foreshadowed hype.
props to that last panel:
That is some awesome colouring. Lol. For a bloke with a tonne of eyes on his armour, Bakai sure did not see Gen U coming.
Better a literal eye for detail than a giant love heart though.
Wasn’t that guy a Great General candidate too or something like that? Iirc he was a “rising star” for the Qin lol.
Just before he died he had been promoted to General but had he survived he could well have become a future Great General of Qin. Unfortunately, we will never know.
Let me tell you, his untimely demise was a big shock the first time I read it. I initially thought I had somehow managed to accidentally skip a few chapters.