General & Others Did Shanks Stopping The Marineford War Make The Story Worse?

Did Shanks Ending Marineford Make The Story Worse?

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Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Forgive the text wall lol.

So this will not be a Shanks hate thread. This is actually something I’ve been thinking about pretty intensely lately lol.

With Shanks, I can’t escape the feeling that his inclusion at the end of the Marineford actually made the story less interesting. Why do I say this?

Well, lets take a look at Shanks’ absence from the story, and from there we can see how Shanks’ inclusion enhances the story and improves its quality.

Let’s say Shanks never shows up to Marineford. Let’s say the story were to have continued on without him showing up. What would’ve happened? Let’s start with the obvious-the fighting would’ve simply continued, as the Marines would not have had any incentive to stop and would’ve continued pursuing the Pirates. If this would’ve happened, then we would’ve been looking at a few variations on two different outcomes:

Outcome 1-the Marines would’ve defeated Marco and Blackbeard but the pirates escape/retreat and live to fight again
Outcome 2-Blackbeard and his crew would’ve defeated the Marines and/or sunk Marine Headquarters.

Now sure either party could’ve not been defeated, but let’s just ignore these outcomes as this is what happens when Shanks shows up anyway lol.

So is it just me each of these outcomes actually more interesting than what we actually got? Shanks ending Marineford seems to have served no narrative purpose whatsoever aside from a vein attempt to give Shanks some hype for no good story reason whatsoever (more on this later). Let’s look at each outcome and explain why it’s themes are better than what actually happened:

Outcome 1

If the Marines would’ve actually defeated Marco and Blackbeard, this would’ve created some major hype and intimidation around the new era of Marines and the Justice they are trying to impose. The world would’ve seen the Navy defeat Whitebeard and Blackbeard in succession which would’ve made us as the reader take the threat of the Navy much more seriously going into the post-timeskip. We would’ve further felt the influence of “Absolute Justice” take hold, which advances themes and plots from Alabasta, Ohara, Enies Lobby, etc.

Oda actually half-asses this attempt by giving the Marines to Akainu anyway post timeskip and having the new Marines operate more under his Absolute Justice agenda than Sengoku’s more moral justice. We get Akainu moving his headquarters into the New World, and the SSG and the draft and all that.

But then Oda chooses to subvert expectations by rigging the Navy with inner turmoil and neutering Fleet Admiral Akainu via politics and such.

I can’t help but feel Oda failed on two accounts here:
1. If Oda’s goal was to hype the new Navy under Akainu, then he undercut his own effort by having Shanks end the war right when we could’ve seen the new “Absolute Justice” on a rampage. We could’ve seen the real threat the Navy posed up close and personal. Imagine Oda would’ve focused even more on Akainu and the Marines following him into his crusade against piracy. This would’ve felt like a natural escalation of plots already introduced, as the threat of Absolute Justice taking root in the Navy has gradually increased as the story has progressed.

2. If Oda’s goal was to subvert expectations by having the Navy fall plague to politics, then having the Navy present a bigger threat to begin with would’ve served this point better, as expectations would’ve been subverted even harder. Imagine the Navy having defeated Marco and Absolute Justice taking a firmer hold, and then Akainu’s Navy getting torn apart internally from politics anyway. This would’ve also enhanced Fujitora’s storyline as one of the main influencers of the Navy’s political troubles.

Whether we view the Oda’s goal with the Navy’s post timeskip storyline as one of hype, or subversion, Oda failed at an opportunity to do both in a more effective way by having Shanks end the Marineford War.

Outcome 2

So let’s say the Blackbeard Pirates would’ve actually sunk Marineford. The HQ sinks but Aokiji freezes the sea for the Marines themselves to not drown or something. Blackbeard then retreats into the New World, and this would’ve better set the stage for Akainu building a new Marine Headquarters in the New World as well as the growing animosity towards criminals within the Marines.

This ending would’ve served multiple different story aspects in a much better way than we got:
1. This would’ve, obviously, hyped the Blackbeard Pirates much more effectively. Marine HQ was already wrecked beyond repair by Whitebeard anyway, why not finish the job and further parallel Blackbeard as the post-timeskip ‘evil’ Whitebeard?

2. This would’ve given the post timeskip Navy a greater sense of urgency and would’ve further radicalized Marines into Absolute Justice, better establishing them as a more relevant threat as the story progresses. Some might be thinking that the threat of the Navy would’ve been downplayed from this, but I challenge you to look at Luffy when he was first defeated by Lucci or Crocodile, and tell me that his threat level diminished when his defeat gave him the resolve to defeat Croc and Lucci later on.

Would these points not have been served more effectively had Shanks not have shown up and stopped the story from progressing?

Now, I know what you’re thinking:

“But Lee, we don’t know for what story purpose Oda had Shanks ended the war. Be patient, Oda is sure to make this clear in the future.”

To which I respond:

It is 2020, 9 years after Shanks ended the War, and it is still unclear exactly what theme or story purpose is enhanced because Oda chose Shanks end the war. Forgive me for thinking that waiting 10 years just to understand a story on a basic level is too much.

Some might also think that Shanks hype is just as important to the story as Blackbeard hype, but it is not. Blackbeard is an antagonist, there is merit behind his hype. The more Blackbeard is hyped, the greater Luffy’s triumph when he defeats Blackbeard. Shanks will most likely wind up an ally in the future, and so every ounce of his hype just goes to diminish any future conflicts Shanks might help Luffy to overcome. Conflicts that are overcome because you have a really overpowered teammate aren’t usually that memorable, but conflicts overcome against a really overwhelming foe are.

I feel like Oda only had Shanks in the war because it’s fan-servicy. Oda was like “hey you know Shanks? People really like that guy. I’m going to have him end the Marineford War.”

I remember I heard in an interview or something that Oda decided before he had fully figured Marineford out that he was going to have Shanks end the war. Like he really didn’t fully understand the story he was about to tell but he knew how he was going to end it lol. But this isn’t how you tell a good story. You don’t make up the ending, and then come up with themes, narrative, come up with theme and narrative first, and then decide on an ending which best serves those ideas.

Oda literally did the opposite with Shanks ending Marineford, and I think the story overall suffered because of it.

Some Tags:

@TheAncientCenturion @Jew D. Boy @Light D Lamperouge @Shuyaku @HA001 @Owl Ki @Blackbeard @ShishioIsBack @Seth @MarineHQ62 @silverfire @Van @Marimo_420 @Zowo @Dragomir @Garp the Fist @Bogard @Pantheos @Gol D. Roger @comrade @Sentinel @playa4321 @RayanOO @Chrono Etc

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
Shanks ending the war is Luffy's journey coming full circle. Shanks saved Luffy in East Blue and gave the boy his hat. Shanks saves Luffy in MF at the end of the Grand Line and gives back his hat, signifying that Luffy truly isnt a great pirate yet despite his accomplishments. So yeah...he have Luffy his hat when the latter was at his highest point and gave his hat again when Luffy was at his lowest point.

Dialogue is also important: Sengoku said "Because its you", implying that only Shanks could have done that. It adds more mystery and intrigue to Shanks' character along with further showing the political aspects of the world but of course, all you get is "Shanks stopped the war! Shanks>>>>>everyone! The power levels!!!!"
I dont think it made the story necassrily worse. However I dont believe Oda's intentions were true to the story anyways. I do believe like what you said....that he only included Shanks due to fanservice.

It couldve been anyone else that done the same thing, Oda couldve easily written Dragon to take the role. Of course Oda chose Shanks, and then wrote his way into it ( being in cohoots with the Gorosei's). But yh its obvious Oda only included Shanks in for fanservice.

Anyways, to go on to it. I dont nescessarily believe the plot was made bad. Oda needed to find a way to end the Marineford plot. The main goal of it narratively, was for Ace to have a sad death for no reason. Yes again makes no sense....but that was the point of the plot. To get us hyped and to pull on our tears.

Anyways once all of that was over, Oda needs a neat way to end it. If the war were to go would most obviously be off-panalled or you know take an extra 20 chapters to finish. Both are horrible dilemas. Having the end off panalled would leave us with WCI....all over again. Which is shitty.

However if he wrote generous and consistent amount of chapters neeeded for their to be a true victor. It would take a lot more chapters. And if the plot was lengthened then it would undermine the biggest thing that happened in the arc......which is Ace's death.

Marines, WBPs and BBPs....all of that is neat. But the Marineford arc is about saving Ace. That is the plot, and thats what starts the War. Everything revolved around Ace....and since hes dead. No point continuing the arc.

- Marines won
- Ace died
- WBPs lost
- BB got WB's fruit.

Everything that needed to happen....happened. No need to beat a dead horse.

I do believe Marineford was a waste of oppturnity. All the fights were boring clashes which couldve been great fights. But yh no need to extend the darn thing.


World's Strongest Swordsman
Few things

Coby is the one who stopped the war. The war stops with him stepping up to akainu and his speech and every big player there stopped to take notice of him, even blackbeard. Was a huge character moment for coby, shanks continues the stopppage before sengoku ends it.
Secondly akainu is not a hard headed impulsive guy being aggressive and being impulsive are not the same thing. Attacking another yonko is not something they can just do without protocal imo.
If they attacked and the war didnt stop blackbeard and his crew and the whitebeard remnants would be dead.
After the war bb and his crew ran away from akainu alone, funny how it was only garp and sengoku vs bb and the admirals focused on luffy instead why ? Cause theyd kill bb and his crew. Outside a bloody lip kuzan and kizaru were clean and even though he was damaged akainus stamina is ridiculous.
Akainus new marineford has added 2 top tiers 2 new admiral candidates and garp and sengoku are still there if needs be, with the only loss being kuzan. No need for too much involvement for the marines they were the mid point of the story and will be the end point.


The Road To Harmony
Addressing your different outcomes, I think they highlight one of Oda's consistent weaknesses as a writer. In that he prefers telling rather than showing. We basically had the shift within the world, both pirates and marines, explained to us via exposition by Jinbe.

Marineford might've given us some inclination of what was to come in the future. Particularly with these two panels of Teach and Sakazuki.

But they are both immediately undercut by Shanks' arrival. So the reader is left with the impression things haven't changed much in the new era. It's not enough to let your readers know something. They have to feel it as well.
Shanks just saved world,case if Marines loses the war, absolute chaos and panic will rule the world, turning it into dogshit, till another WG will make another order and festroy those anarchy freeks.
Red Snitch was always against chaos and anarchy...
if Shanks attack Marine Ford after Teach and Kaido did their job


would be gone and Shanks would be the most powerful man in the world

show the man some respect

the fact that Marine base can't respect Shanks so they make up things like this is just sad
Shanks was a main character of one piece story before even Oda knew there gonna be admirals in his story
he fucking created Shanks base on himself

he always gave Shanks greatest screen time

and stopping the war was only worthy of a man like himself
I'm sorry ... stopping Kaido and the war was only worthy of a man like himself
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Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Thanks for the tag, Lee! Always enjoy reading your dissertations :cheers:

I think I agree with your overall point, but there are a few things I’d like to address specifically:

If Oda’s goal was to hype the new Navy under Akainu, then he undercut his own effort by having Shanks end the war right when we could’ve seen the new “Absolute Justice” on a rampage. We could’ve seen the real threat the Navy posed up close and personal.
Fair, but I remember reading Marineford when it was being published weekly, and by the end of it, I fuckin’ despised Akainu and felt a sense of hopelessness for Luffy in an emotional sense AND the regard that he was so clearly outclassed by the practice of Absolute Justice that he’d need years to catch up (before the time skip actually became a thing). If Shanks hadn’t shown up, the effect would have certainly been emphasized, but it was already there just by what we saw preceding Red Hair’s arrival. What more would have really been accomplished by watching Sakazuki fist Koby to death before slaughtering everyone else in front of Luffy? What additional trauma would our main character have really experienced by that point?

So let’s say the Blackbeard Pirates would’ve actually sunk Marineford. The HQ sinks but Aokiji freezes the sea for the Marines themselves to not drown or something. Blackbeard then retreats into the New World, and this would’ve better set the stage for Akainu building a new Marine Headquarters in the New World as well as the growing animosity towards criminals within the Marines.
Again, I feel this already came to pass in the canon...Marineford wasn’t completely sunk, but it was damaged enough that the Marine HQ *was* rebuilt in the New World, where Blackbeard also retreated to begin his reign as top dog. If we agree that Shanks wouldn’t have stopped this from happening whether he showed up or not, what’s the problem with seeing him and getting the hype, even if...
It is 2020, 9 years after Shanks ended the War, and it is still unclear exactly what theme or story purpose is enhanced because Oda chose Shanks end the war. Forgive me for thinking that waiting 10 years just to understand a story on a basic level is too much. your own admission, it still has yet to be paid off? I also think it’s ridiculous that a decade after that arc, we only have more unanswered questions about Shanks AND the series in general. Still, if it’s all the same, I don’t mind the guy popping in and reminding the world that he and his gang are equally unpleasant to deal with in a fight.

I remember I heard in an interview or something that Oda decided before he had fully figured Marineford out that he was going to have Shanks end the war. Like he really didn’t fully understand the story he was about to tell but he knew how he was going to end it lol. But this isn’t how you tell a good story. You don’t make up the ending, and then come up with themes, narrative, come up with theme and narrative first, and then decide on an ending which best serves those ideas.
I never knew this, and it blows my fuckin’ mind...I’ve written an entire novel and parts of several others related to the first one, and I also had certain parts figured out and decided to write backwards from there. This all happened, however, in the first few drafts; even if you have theme and narrative fully fleshed out, so many details change and morph while you’re creating the world that preventing yourself from altering the original outcome is truly poor craftsmanship. I still think he made it work, and Marineford remains one of the best arcs in this series, but to think its ending was always set in stone...I’m not sure I would have been so inflexible were I in a similar situation.
For me there are some misunderstandings at the base of your post.

1) Oda built the navy very well, there are a lot of detailed charcters, we get their ranks, we saw fleet admirals, admirals, vice admirals etc. But in the end the whole navy is on one hand a complement to his pirate world, needed to give more color and spice to his world but he is telling a story about pirates with little to no focus on the marines and on the other hand we know the real bad guy (it is the only possible contender for BB for the role of the final villain at this point) , the WG, uses the navy just as a mask and the navy starting from the admirals know nothing of the WG real aims and powers/people(IM). So the alternatives you suggested simply put too much focus on the marines when Oda never planned to do so or did so in the story so far.

2) Shanks is way more than you think. He is some sort of legendary character, the idol who Luffy is trying to imitate, he gave him his dream/hat. Ans you know that Shanks appears almost never but when that happens then you are going to witness history.

About why Shanks and not alternatives in the specific: For me at that point Oda marked very well the half manga milestone. By that point he had hyped WB, had hyped the marines who in the end beat the ruler of the seasa and also hyped BB who was the puppeter behind everything and played both the marines and the WB pirates in working for him. Of course BB is the one who comes out with the best hype, maybe he is/was not yet among the strongest but despite that he tricked big time the greatest powers in the world and setted the post time skip: "this now is my age."

When Shanks appeared there were some problems:
1) Luffy had to survive possibly not using ridicoulous amounts of plot power. I think you are glad Akainu didn't go through what BM is right now. Anyway making Luffy escape under his nose with just weak or weakened guys protecting him would have killed a portion of the hype he get for fighting WB and killing Ace, that was already a very big hype.

2) Oda had to avoid other casualities. Ace amd WB are already somewhat outliers compared to what we usually see (will of P etc.) amd if the war went on there aere just 2 ways: deaths or plot power.

3) Oda through One piece also tries to bring a message of peace (the revenge of Ace brought to his death), then of course there are also other ways to show this but having Shanks stopping 2 bloodlusted lunatics (Akainu and BB, and Oda pictured them exactly like this just before Shanks stopped them) and making them suddenly call it a day was pretty funny and badass.

Also that arc reached its climax with Ace death, that level was still kept with WB death and declaration of the existance of the One piece with a little flashback with Roger and teasing for the readers (Teach you are not the man Roger was waiting for) amd finally with Shanks arriving and stopping the war. That was the ending. Oda could not kept the climax, it could just go down from that point. Even making Akainu and BB fight would have seem a downside (also it was not the moment at all) given how WB put both to sleep minutes before.

Instead we got Shanks as the middle manga milestone like he was the initial milestone, the war ends and we go back to Luffy amd his drama and slowly fades in the post time skip with the Luffy, Ace, Sabo flashback.


When were you under the impression this game is..
if Shanks attack Marine Ford after Teach and Kaido did their job


would be gone and Shanks would be the most powerful man in the world

show the man some respect

the fact that Marine base can't respect Shanks so they make up things like this is just sad
Shanks was a main character of one piece story before even Oda knew there gonna be admirals in his story
he fucking created Shanks base on himself

he always gave Shanks greatest screen time

and stopping the war was only worthy of a man like himself
I'm sorry ... stopping Kaido and the war was only worthy of a man like himself
@Admiral Lee Hung 's point went completely over your head man. Reread what he said.


When were you under the impression this game is..
some of his words are just pure disrespect ...

Shanks stopping the war saved so many lives

lives that Oda could use later on in story ...

the war HAD TO end and Shanks THE ONLY MAN who could do it

not just for power for personality as well ...

I don't disagree with rest
Sure, Oda could and thats the keyword. Lee is talking about what already happened and how it impacted the current story.
So let’s say the Blackbeard Pirates would’ve actually sunk Marineford. The HQ sinks but Aokiji freezes the sea for the Marines themselves to not drown or something. Blackbeard then retreats into the New World, and this would’ve better set the stage for Akainu building a new Marine Headquarters in the New World as well as the growing animosity towards criminals within the Marines.
Damn, that conclusion is far beyond Lolda's capabilities. It would have been way better than just randomly relocating the G1 base to Marineford. If Whitebeard's body was lost along with the island, it would have fitted well by ending the first half of story with the new era "sinking" the relics of the past, declaring the emerge of a greater age that starts with post timeskip.


I will never forgive Oda
I'm honestly a pretty big fan of Akainu hitting a bureaucratic wall after how zealous he was in Marineford. Seems only natural, the Gorosei don't want anyone with ideas doing too much.

I'm also not terribly fond of Blackbeard sinking Marineford. Someone with a new DF doing so much damage, after we've seen him crying to a dying WB moments earlier? Ehhhhhh lol. It would've given me whiplash.

Formerly Seth

I shouldn't talk about One Piece but I will make an exception because it was you who tagged me.

I agree.

The thing I dislike to this day is Akainu's attitude after Shanks stopped his attack. It makes me angry especially after the fact that Akainu became a fleet admiral. This one block from Shanks made Akainu a bit soft like wtf!? Absolute Justice? Hello?

Unless Shanks is a snitch for real and he's basically Akainu's master via his lineage/connections.

+ Blackbeard thing. I will not expand on that cuz TAC already did so Imma quote him:
I'm also not terribly fond of Blackbeard sinking Marineford. Someone with a new DF doing so much damage, after we've seen him crying to a dying WB moments earlier? Ehhhhhh lol. It would've given me whiplash.
Forgive the text wall lol.

So this will not be a Shanks hate thread. This is actually something I’ve been thinking about pretty intensely lately lol.

With Shanks, I can’t escape the feeling that his inclusion at the end of the Marineford actually made the story less interesting. Why do I say this?

Well, lets take a look at Shanks’ absence from the story, and from there we can see how Shanks’ inclusion enhances the story and improves its quality.

Let’s say Shanks never shows up to Marineford. Let’s say the story were to have continued on without him showing up. What would’ve happened? Let’s start with the obvious-the fighting would’ve simply continued, as the Marines would not have had any incentive to stop and would’ve continued pursuing the Pirates. If this would’ve happened, then we would’ve been looking at a few variations on two different outcomes:

Outcome 1-the Marines would’ve defeated Marco and Blackbeard but the pirates escape/retreat and live to fight again
Outcome 2-Blackbeard and his crew would’ve defeated the Marines and/or sunk Marine Headquarters.

Now sure either party could’ve not been defeated, but let’s just ignore these outcomes as this is what happens when Shanks shows up anyway lol.

So is it just me each of these outcomes actually more interesting than what we actually got? Shanks ending Marineford seems to have served no narrative purpose whatsoever aside from a vein attempt to give Shanks some hype for no good story reason whatsoever (more on this later). Let’s look at each outcome and explain why it’s themes are better than what actually happened:

Outcome 1

If the Marines would’ve actually defeated Marco and Blackbeard, this would’ve created some major hype and intimidation around the new era of Marines and the Justice they are trying to impose. The world would’ve seen the Navy defeat Whitebeard and Blackbeard in succession which would’ve made us as the reader take the threat of the Navy much more seriously going into the post-timeskip. We would’ve further felt the influence of “Absolute Justice” take hold, which advances themes and plots from Alabasta, Ohara, Enies Lobby, etc.

Oda actually half-asses this attempt by giving the Marines to Akainu anyway post timeskip and having the new Marines operate more under his Absolute Justice agenda than Sengoku’s more moral justice. We get Akainu moving his headquarters into the New World, and the SSG and the draft and all that.

But then Oda chooses to subvert expectations by rigging the Navy with inner turmoil and neutering Fleet Admiral Akainu via politics and such.

I can’t help but feel Oda failed on two accounts here:
1. If Oda’s goal was to hype the new Navy under Akainu, then he undercut his own effort by having Shanks end the war right when we could’ve seen the new “Absolute Justice” on a rampage. We could’ve seen the real threat the Navy posed up close and personal. Imagine Oda would’ve focused even more on Akainu and the Marines following him into his crusade against piracy. This would’ve felt like a natural escalation of plots already introduced, as the threat of Absolute Justice taking root in the Navy has gradually increased as the story has progressed.

2. If Oda’s goal was to subvert expectations by having the Navy fall plague to politics, then having the Navy present a bigger threat to begin with would’ve served this point better, as expectations would’ve been subverted even harder. Imagine the Navy having defeated Marco and Absolute Justice taking a firmer hold, and then Akainu’s Navy getting torn apart internally from politics anyway. This would’ve also enhanced Fujitora’s storyline as one of the main influencers of the Navy’s political troubles.

Whether we view the Oda’s goal with the Navy’s post timeskip storyline as one of hype, or subversion, Oda failed at an opportunity to do both in a more effective way by having Shanks end the Marineford War.

Outcome 2

So let’s say the Blackbeard Pirates would’ve actually sunk Marineford. The HQ sinks but Aokiji freezes the sea for the Marines themselves to not drown or something. Blackbeard then retreats into the New World, and this would’ve better set the stage for Akainu building a new Marine Headquarters in the New World as well as the growing animosity towards criminals within the Marines.

This ending would’ve served multiple different story aspects in a much better way than we got:
1. This would’ve, obviously, hyped the Blackbeard Pirates much more effectively. Marine HQ was already wrecked beyond repair by Whitebeard anyway, why not finish the job and further parallel Blackbeard as the post-timeskip ‘evil’ Whitebeard?

2. This would’ve given the post timeskip Navy a greater sense of urgency and would’ve further radicalized Marines into Absolute Justice, better establishing them as a more relevant threat as the story progresses. Some might be thinking that the threat of the Navy would’ve been downplayed from this, but I challenge you to look at Luffy when he was first defeated by Lucci or Crocodile, and tell me that his threat level diminished when his defeat gave him the resolve to defeat Croc and Lucci later on.

Would these points not have been served more effectively had Shanks not have shown up and stopped the story from progressing?

Now, I know what you’re thinking:

“But Lee, we don’t know for what story purpose Oda had Shanks ended the war. Be patient, Oda is sure to make this clear in the future.”

To which I respond:

It is 2020, 9 years after Shanks ended the War, and it is still unclear exactly what theme or story purpose is enhanced because Oda chose Shanks end the war. Forgive me for thinking that waiting 10 years just to understand a story on a basic level is too much.

Some might also think that Shanks hype is just as important to the story as Blackbeard hype, but it is not. Blackbeard is an antagonist, there is merit behind his hype. The more Blackbeard is hyped, the greater Luffy’s triumph when he defeats Blackbeard. Shanks will most likely wind up an ally in the future, and so every ounce of his hype just goes to diminish any future conflicts Shanks might help Luffy to overcome. Conflicts that are overcome because you have a really overpowered teammate aren’t usually that memorable, but conflicts overcome against a really overwhelming foe are.

I feel like Oda only had Shanks in the war because it’s fan-servicy. Oda was like “hey you know Shanks? People really like that guy. I’m going to have him end the Marineford War.”

I remember I heard in an interview or something that Oda decided before he had fully figured Marineford out that he was going to have Shanks end the war. Like he really didn’t fully understand the story he was about to tell but he knew how he was going to end it lol. But this isn’t how you tell a good story. You don’t make up the ending, and then come up with themes, narrative, come up with theme and narrative first, and then decide on an ending which best serves those ideas.

Oda literally did the opposite with Shanks ending Marineford, and I think the story overall suffered because of it.

Some Tags:

@TheAncientCenturion @Jew D. Boy @Light D Lamperouge @Shuyaku @HA001 @Owl Ki @Blackbeard @ShishioIsBack @Seth @MarineHQ62 @silverfire @Van @Marimo_420 @Zowo @Dragomir @Garp the Fist @Bogard @Pantheos @Gol D. Roger @comrade @Sentinel @playa4321 @RayanOO @Chrono Etc
I think Shanks stopping a war made the story better because it achieved the following things

-Set up a potential confrontation between Shanks and Blackbeard which would serve as a means of creating personal emotional tension between Luffy and Blackbeard after Blackbeard kills Shanks

-Keep Marco and the rest alive so they can serve as a launching point for Blackbeards journey as an emperor which happend in payback war.

As you mentioned without Shanks there are only two possible outcomes

-Marines win by killing everyone which is the most realistic scenario considering all the people present in Marine side

-Blackbeard Pirates completely obliterating the Marines

Both scenarios don't necessarily make the story better, rather they make it worse.

-You can't kill one of the final antagonists of the story nor can you give him a crushing defeat because that would damage the mystique of Blackbeard. He is an antagonist and shouldn't have heros "Suffer the massive loss and build back up" path

-Blackbeard can't win because for that to make sense Oda would have to overpower Blackbeard pirates to unimaginable levels which would be
a) Too soon to do that, and good story telling would be to high light Blackbeard's progression from a Warlord level crew to an average Yonko crew to exceptional crew that is a challenge even to a Navy for final show down between Blackbeard pirates and straw hat pirates

b) It would also be contradictory because Blackbeard is not the kinda guy to stay stagnant in the midst of balance of power, he would take actions, go after other Yonkou, attempt to take over the world enroute his journey to Raftel which could disturb the event of "Yonko Saga" which is there to show conflict between all emperors and straw hats.

So overall I think Stopping the war was best case scenario in that situation
Does it have to be Shanks? I would say Yes. I mean they could have had Monkey D Dragon do it but I don't think Marines would agree to Dragon's demands as he is directly opposing WG and is public enemy number 1.

Big Mom and Kaido seems like agents of Chaos.

So Shanks really was the best and most logical choice to do it.