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No it was not, fuji outright apologized to zoro because he felt indebted to him, if you think he went harder on him than sabo a dude he didnt know, youre full of shit and utterly biased. I dont care what youre opinion is, i showed you panels. That country sized rubble was gonna take out the entirety of the pirates, meaning luffy and zoro too. And he choose not to do it. Thanks for proving my point.
The main counter out of all the attacks dealt to Fuji is that Zoro was the only one out of Doffy and Sabo and Luffy to make him go back
No it was not, fuji outright apologized to zoro because he felt indebted to him, if you think he went harder on him than sabo a dude he didnt know, youre full of shit and utterly biased. I dont care what youre opinion is, i showed you panels. That country sized rubble was gonna take out the entirety of the pirates, meaning luffy and zoro too. And he choose not to do it. Thanks for proving my point.
What? If he apologized to Zoro then why would he go easy on him? He is apologizing that despite being indebted he has to do his job.

I am the one who is utterly biased and full of shit when you are using ass tier arguments. Sabo and Fuji literally had statements around straight up spelling it out for us that Fuji is not taking the fight seriously.

Where as with Zoro Fuji literally was shivering and asking his men to back off anticipating a serious drawn out clash after Fuji was overpowered by Zoro.

What do you mean meaning Luffy and Zoro too? He literally aimed the rubble at the opposing pirates who were going after Luffy and Co to protect Luffy and Co. He pinpointed those ships specifically and dropped rubble on them.

i kNoW fUjI bEtTer

You need to reread Dressrosa with how uninformed you are.

Not to mention garbage of Bedrock drilling attack being weaker than a weak ass building bending attack
Oden was talking to Toki as if he's gonna die, meaning he didn't know if he could beat Kaido aka Cut him , Kaido said that they are using Oden's "willpower"

The "passed willpower" stuff has been canon for a decade now, just because it pisses off Powerlevel nerds like you doesn't mean it doesn't matter
Cutting kaido was never presented as a obstacle for oden . Stop posting your headcanon


World's Strongest Swordsman
Lol, he kept the gravity on law too, and im pretty sure that gravity was stronger than the one on zoro, as he had no qualms about arresting law at that point, and yet law escaped, Law > zoro confirmed?
The gravity on zoro was half assed, he legit apologized for going against them and given his nature and what was revealed after, dont fucking compare that to raging tiger you absolute dunce.
Lmfao what ????
Law was on soil on the green bit with gravity that doffy could walk in that didnt even break a hole. Dont even dare compare
Reminder that Haki=Willpower , not a stat

It's why Water 7 Luffy couldn't beat Blueno due to being demoralised from Usopp and Robin leaving yet Base Luffy was fighting Equally with Base Lucci

It wasn't because of Luffy getting a power up

now go back to Capeshit you death battle loving nerds
no im saying kinemon should have been the one to confront kaido to begin with if he has the abilities that work against him. Why should a dude who can cut through fire then proceed to not fight the fire breathing dragon? Why didnt kinemon confront kaido at the start of the fight while oden handled the fodder
Cause Kinemon can't handle Kaido in 1 v 1. Blocking an attack doesn't put you on somebody level.
Anyways its a fact that kinemon could cut kaido and cut his fire 20 years ago

and its also a fact that kinemon knew this and choose not to confront dragon kaido alongside oden at the start of the fight

dont argue with the manga my dude, the excuses are silly

Kinemon can injure kaido and can stop his fire attack, that logically makes him more useful fighting kaido then fighting a calamity. And you think the logical decision is for kinemon to fight other people in kaido’s army? I know you dont even believe what you’re typing
The other scabbards can injure Kaido too, but they weee occupied. Kinemon lost to the calamities and fodder.
can kaido use thunder bauga in his dragon form? No

was kaido in his dragon form when he hit oden with a fire attack? Yes

therefore stop bringing up thunder bauga lmao

there was plenty of dragon non thunder bauga moments where kinemon would have been plenty of help to oden

next excuse
Ok so you are saying when Kaido assumes dragon form, bring kinemon and cut the fire but when he retains base form bring Oden....lmao, also, there was no indication that Oden knows about Kaido's "borobreath" before that fight......

besides, fire is not troubling Oden and so no point, and Oden can cut Kaido better than Kinemon as fire isn't troubling him....

come with next excuse but come up with solid one or don't quote me with such weak reasoning skills...


Lead them to paradise.
Have Mihawk be flipped around left and right by Nico Robin and Franky and the reaction would be a lot worse so stop this bullshit @Fujishiro
Just because some people dont understand PIS, doesnt mean everyone does. Youre acting worse than them at this point. And you know once Oda takes the breaks off of them(BM and Kaido) it will come back to bite you, the same people from WG you are using to excuse your current behavior will come and troll you harder. Its an extremely toxic vicious cycle.
And you know i gave my piece, Mihawk will never be in a position like that. Because he isnt antagonistic against the holy straw hats. He will sit on his WSS throne until zoro is ready to come beat him up. Thus no clowning.Atleast you have this luxury. Be empathetic for once, BM and Kaido are something this alliance arent ready to beat reaslitically, hence all the BS we keep seeing and them just standing there(like kaido the entirety of jack and minks fight) in the sky doing nothing and BM being ''moved away''. Oda is stalling.
Heed my words, chapter 1000. Thats all im gonna say.
Anyways its a fact that kinemon could cut kaido and cut his fire 20 years ago

and its also a fact that kinemon knew this and choose not to confront dragon kaido alongside oden at the start of the fight

dont argue with the manga my dude, the excuses
are silly
Emm but there was an army against the Red scarbads.

Kinemon and Co were unable to reach Kaido.
As we see in the flashback the Calamities stop them.
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