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Do you think that this is meant to imply that just because Kinemon can cut through fire that he would actually stand a semblance of a chance in a fight against Kaido?
why not? Didnt kinemon stab him a few chapters ago?

if u can injure someone and block some their attacks, how can you say you dont stand a semblance of a chance?

you guys were all saying i was denying whats shown in the manga but looks like you’re denying whats in the manga now :)
Kinemon couldn't injure Kaido 20 years ago, he only cut him today because Oden's "will" passed on to him and the Scabbards, Oden wasn't even sure he could cut Kaido and he only did it because of his Will to defend Wano

Haki isn't a mathematical thing, stop pretending it is
Tyquanfinest gonna love this chapter:suresure:
Actually spoiler sound really good, I feeling like that Oda still offscreen Jack vs Sulong Inu and Neko. I hope im wrong, really I hope im wrong but judging by the spoilers it seems like the fight was offscreened....
In that case Oda clearly want to hold Jack for later again the Sulong Minks or Jinbe.
Don't forget his Apoo Wank :funky:
Kinemon cutting Kaido’s fire is very disappointing, doesn’t matter if Kinemon has a fire cutting ability or not.

Not sure why Oda thinks it’s a good idea to continue to embarass Wano’s main antagonist before he even faces off with Luffy again.

Very poor writing.
Why is this poor writing? Cause you underestimate Kinemon?

You have Brook and Jinbe attacking Big Mom's homies. No reason why Kinemon can't cut Kaido's fire.
why not? Didnt kinemon stab him a few chapters ago?

if u can injure someone and block some their attacks, how can you say you dont stand a semblance of a chance?

you guys were all saying i was denying whats shown in the manga but looks like you’re denying whats in the manga now :)
That doesn't matter.... G3 ragdolled Kaido in dragon form, and then what happened? Dude got up and casually one shotted Luffy in G4, Lmao...
Tyquanfinest gonna love this chapter:suresure:
Actually spoiler sound really good, I feeling like that Oda still offscreen Jack vs Sulong Inu and Neko. I hope im wrong, really I hope im wrong but judging by the spoilers it seems like the fight was offscreened....
In that case Oda clearly want to hold Jack for later again the Sulong Minks or Jinbe.
lol you watch the streams

Kinemon can injure kaido and can stop his fire attack, that logically makes him more useful fighting kaido then fighting a calamity. And you think the logical decision is for kinemon to fight other people in kaido’s army? I know you dont even believe what you’re typing
the logic is boro breath is just one talk as if it was all of his arsenal....Kaido simply choses another attack instead of boro talk as if kinemon can block thunder bagua with his are you even eligible to talk about logic if you can't understand such simple math...


When were you under the impression this game is..
Yonko fans can’t call Mihawk and admirals garbage . Mihawk is stronger then big mom and shanks two swordman yonko . And admirals are end game villains meanwhile Yonko are getting thrashed by Franky brook kinemon and kiku
I see you have a very very closed mind. Let me explain to you something mate.
Mihawk being stronger than shanks doesnt mean he is in another tier, he just is stronger. BM is an unknown, she doesnt use a ''Sword'' per se and is more of a brawler type than a sword type. And,again, just means he's ''stronger'' if he is, not by a lot.
I want you to understand something else too, you seem under the assumption that we are following a DBZ style power scaling rn where villains will get stronger and stronger, they are not. The power ceiling was shown early one with WB/Shanks(yonko) Mihawk(WSS) and Aokiji(admiral) and that lot has been clumped up together as being in the same realm several times. The Shs will keep getting stronger and the next enemies will remain stattic, allowing them to catch up until it will become 1vs1 fights, whereas now an alliance is needed since they are weaker.

Kinemon and scabbards all out attack that make them appear way more wounded than kaido by the end(who has some bleeding from the mouth and a needle prick injury) is getting ''trashed''? Why is it that you guys love hyperbole so much? Are you trying to overcompensate for something :choppawhat:
Kinemon couldn't injure Kaido 20 years ago, he only cut him today because Oden's "will" passed on to him and the Scabbards, Oden wasn't even sure he could cut Kaido and he only did it because of his Will to defend Wano

Haki isn't a mathematical thing, stop pretending it is
there is zero difference between kinemon today and kinemon from 20 years ago

dont argue with what the manga showed, stay consistent :)


World's Strongest Swordsman
Kinemon couldn't injure Kaido 20 years ago, he only cut him today because Oden's "will" passed on to him and the Scabbards, Oden wasn't even sure he could cut Kaido and he only did it because of his Will to defend Wano

Haki isn't a mathematical thing, stop pretending it is
What ? All you need is ryou and you can cut kaido
You cant take a dead mans haki
Stop the cap
Oden ripped through kaido with ease
20 years ago kinemon could break his defence
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