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What does using same move on fodder have to do with anything?
To this date Fuji's strongest use of his DF was him lifting a rubble and he dropped all of that rubble on bunch of fodders

Fuji hardly pulls punches on fodders.

Also he applied gravity and left with fodders right, with Zoro he kept applying that gravity.

How do you even quantify attacks? WB used his strongest attack to date on a random Vice Admiral, does a basic Gura fist in the beginning he used on Aokiji stronger than heaven and earth shaker because one was used on admiral and one was on Vice Admiral?

Stop with these garbage tier arguments
Again its a nice strength feat for zoro to get out of there, but in comparison to what fuji does later in the arc its a minor attack bro. Your acting like Fuji used the strongest move in his arsenal against zoro or something, when its not even close.


When were you under the impression this game is..
Lmfao what ????
Law was on soil on the green bit with gravity that doffy could walk in that didnt even break a hole. Dont even dare compare
You telling me fuji isnt skilled enough to hold gravity on someone without destroying the ground beneath them and have it be the same strength or stronger?
can kaido use thunder bauga in his dragon form? No

was kaido in his dragon form when he hit oden with a fire attack? Yes

therefore stop bringing up thunder bauga lmao

there was plenty of dragon non thunder bauga moments where kinemon would have been plenty of help to oden

next excuse
Kinemon was busy with calamities and fodders. Those people not going to just let Kinemon walk away
Ok so you are saying when Kaido assumes dragon form, bring kinemon and cut the fire but when he retains base form bring Oden....lmao, also, there was no indication that Oden knows about Kaido's "borobreath" before that fight......

besides, fire is not troubling Oden and so no point, and Oden can cut Kaido better than Kinemon as fire isn't troubling him....

come with next excuse but come up with solid one or don't quote me with such weak reasoning skills...
why would kinemon not know about boro breath? Beast pirates have been in wano tor awhile now, dont be silly

kinemon already stabbed base kaido so im not sure why youre hyping up base kaido above kinemon in all honesty

kinemon gonna stab him whatever form hes in
This battle is still stalling and Oda wants the alliance and possibly us readers too to really believe that the alliance can be victorious on Onigashima just like at the Tea Party during the first half of WCI arc, especially with Jack having been seemingly defeated though this will most likely change once Kaido and the Calamities start showing their true power and Jack get up with him being revealed to be an Awakened Zoan.
Emm but there was an army against the Red scarbads.

Kinemon and Co were unable to reach Kaido.
As we see in the flashback the Calamities stop them.
theres an army between kinemon and oden because kinemon choose to fight the army instead of fight kaido

which is my question, why?
according to who? I saw kinemon stabbing kaido and stopping his attack

my money is on kinemon winning, dont argue with the manga, thats what you and your squad been preaching for the last hour
I don't have no squad and nowhere in the manga did kinemon defeat Kaido. So i ain't arguing with. All Kinemon did was cut Kaido with his other scabbards(jumped) while he was drunk and couldn't finish him.
Anyways its a fact that kinemon could cut kaido and cut his fire 20 years ago

and its also a fact that kinemon knew this and choose not to confront dragon kaido alongside oden at the start of the fight

dont argue with the manga my dude, the excuses are silly
You literally have no idea how drama or storytelling work huh? Why didn't Roger ally with Shiki back then they would have been stronger together. Guess Roger is stupid.

Take this trolling where you pretend you can't understand anything more complicated than linear power levels and pure strength back to 4chan or whatever lol
Just because some people dont understand PIS, doesnt mean everyone does. Youre acting worse than them at this point. And you know once Oda takes the breaks off of them(BM and Kaido) it will come back to bite you, the same people from WG you are using to excuse your current behavior will come and troll you harder. Its an extremely toxic vicious cycle.
And you know i gave my piece, Mihawk will never be in a position like that. Because he isnt antagonistic against the holy straw hats. He will sit on his WSS throne until zoro is ready to come beat him up. Thus no clowning.Atleast you have this luxury. Be empathetic for once, BM and Kaido are something this alliance arent ready to beat reaslitically, hence all the BS we keep seeing and them just standing there(like kaido the entirety of jack and minks fight) in the sky doing nothing and BM being ''moved away''. Oda is stalling.
Heed my words, chapter 1000. Thats all im gonna say.
Bro enough with this PIS this PIS that.
Understand the fundamentals of story telling when Strawhats are using statements like "We are crew of Pirate King, no time to run from a Mere Yonko" and then Middle trio and Jinbei together effectively dealing with Big Mom.

It is Oda set up a stage to show progression of strawhats from where they started that pre TS it took team of all straw hats to take out entities like Pacifista or at best Oars. Not a fraction of Straw hats are capable of dealing with one of the emperors. Its bad faith to dismiss the entire context to try to simplify it to PIS.

And Kinnemon cutting boro breath of drilling holes is also not PIS due to statements, it is his skill in both cases.
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