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Peerless In History
I personally don't think theres anything wrong with Kinemon being able to cut Boro Breath. Thats his power and I don't think even against a Yonko, he should be restricted. Just like Brook is able to hurt Linlin's personal homies because it's his power. That doesn't mean anything in power scaling because it's a unique power which only works against specific people (mighty convenient at this momet yes) but, in One Piece, Convenient Powers > Power Levels. Thats how Oda operates.

I think it's perfectly ok that Kin can cut fire and Oden can't. Just like I don't expect Mihawk to be able to cut fire. It's ok for weaker characters to be able to do something specific better than a stronger character otherwise, things would be rather boring and stale.


When were you under the impression this game is..
It due to the fact that a large number of yonko fans believe that a single yonko can easily 1 v 2 or even 1v 3 admrials, which is some massive bs.

So when they get clowned ( which happens nearly every chapter now) you know some people are going to comment.
I don’t think a large number of yonko fans say that. Atleast I’m not. I’d say both have fringe groups(of a few people) that have some extreme views.

Kaido D. Stronger

At this point all titles can be questioned to a certain degree. Not saying that I don't accept them, but rather I'm more open to consider other possibilities given the Ace novel and if I remember the dude was having meetings with Oda and his staff.

  • WB the strongest as a "pirate"
  • Kaido either literally being from the strongest race or the Dragon that is known as the strongest creature.
  • Mihawk having the strongest Blade in the world
Even though he is part of the strongest race as you described him, he is the most powerful LIVE, this includes pirates and marines.
"All living beings".
So why didn't Kinemon cut Kaido's Boro Breath when Kaido attacked the allaince.

Shinobu didn't have to use her df since Kinemon can cut Kaido's Boro Breath.
Well Kinemon left like Luffy and Law so there you go

but also I wanna see the pics to know if Kinemon cut this level of boro breath in half, or did Kaido barely breath on them, nice feat if not the latter.

ur not getting what im saying. If kinemon has the physical strength to pierce kaido scales and has the reaction speed to react to borrow, explain why he cannot block the tail? -.-

the fact is you cant really be proving kaidos tail wipes out kinemon bro
Nope. that's when they refer to the Yonko as the 'greatest' pirates. Strongest speaks to combat strength.

and Stephen's script:
Garp: Among the countless masses of pirates in the world,
he is one of the four greatest, along with the infamous Whitebeard,
If it meant political power then Viz would have used greatest here like Stephen who works for Viz used in the Garp statement, but they didn't
Isn't it Stephen who said "World's greatest swordsman" and "World's strongest swordsman" are the same thing?

Yes. Yes it is him

I'm sure you've seen this tweet from him when someone from the old OK site specifically asked him this question, in order to show Mihawk isn't the strongest, but Stephen said the terms are interchangeable in meaning according to the story.

If you've never seen this tweet then ask all the Mihawk-haters, I'm sure they have know where they got it from.

So Stephen confirms Greatest and Strongest mean the same thing. And you saying "Greatest" is when political power is applied. So if they mean the same thing, WHICH ACCORDING TO STEPHEN THEY DO, that means you are proving my point.

Unless you believe Greatest and Strongest are ONLY the same when it comes to Mihawk but not the same when it comes to Yonko. If so then please provide proof of this that is not "headcanon"

Kaido D. Stronger

None of that was real. It was all hear say.
Well, do you want me to call my skull friend who lives in the world of one piece? I can ask him what he thinks, we have an opinion of someone who lives in this world created by oda, not only his but also of several people belonging to the popular saying.

What do you think ?
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