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why is thunder bagua so much faster than boro breath?
Because Thunder Bagua is the speed of Kaido's body and arm. Boro Breath is just Kaido breathing fire and not dependent on his physical stats. But sure, we can say it's just Kinemon who is pretty strong to be able to stand his ground against Kaido. Makes Doffy only look better.

If kinemon has the physical strength to pierce kaido scales and has the reaction speed to react to borrow, explain why he cannot block the tail? -.-
Kin'emon used RYOU to stab Kaido. As in HAKI. That's a translation of physical strength. Get it? Physical strength is actual body strength. When someone is blocking an attack, they use their actual body to do it. As in all their muscles from their legs to their backs to their arms.

I've explained the difference between Kin'emon swinging his arms to cut fire and his actual legs moving his body over a long prolonged distance. If you do t understand that Kin'emon is not AS FAST AS GEAR FOURTH LUFFY in Movement then Meh.

And being able to put your sword through the skyscraper falling on you doesn't mean anything. Get it? For example Kin'emon can cut through Rocks right? Of course he can. But Pica was going to kill him. Understand. Kin'emon can cut through the rocks Pica is made but the fact that it's a fuckin mountain sized rock going to him, he was still going to die.

So Kin'emon's maximum effort being a small stab wound through Kaido doesn't stop the rest of Kaido's tail that's the size if a skyscraper moving at gear fourth speed from CRUSHING HIM


World's Strongest Swordsman
Because Thunder Bagua is the speed of Kaido's body and arm. Boro Breath is just Kaido breathing fire and not dependent on his physical stats. But sure, we can say it's just Kinemon who is pretty strong to be able to stand his ground against Kaido. Makes Doffy only look better.

Then again doffys haki was broken grabbing a non koka non graded sword and kin tanked doffys attack no problem so kin ryou attack kills doffy...
Because Thunder Bagua is the speed of Kaido's body and arm. Boro Breath is just Kaido breathing fire and not dependent on his physical stats. But sure, we can say it's just Kinemon who is pretty strong to be able to stand his ground against Kaido. Makes Doffy only look better.

but thats the issue, you’re trying to place thunder bagua speed and power far above boro breath because deep down you got an issue with its portrayal


Lead them to paradise.
Think the yonko wank has just gone down by alot over the recent years tbh, but theere were generally more admiral downplayers back then.

I was going to say extreme, but high sounds good to me
My logic for very high is that mihawk is waiting for someone to surpass shanks to fight him. And zoro vs mihawk should be an extreme diff fight. Very high is bordering on extreme but not quite there.
Then again doffys haki was broken grabbing a non koka non graded sword and kin tanked doffys attack no problem so kin ryou attack kills doffy...
If that's true, it means Doffy's grab is at least on the level of Sabo's Talon, given Cracker with a fully powered haki imbued thrust couldn't pierce base Luffy's Haki imbued stomach, he whose Haki didn't overpower Doffy's and vice versa. Damn, Doffy-sama.

deep down you got an issue with its portrayal


World's Strongest Swordsman
If that's true, it means Doffy's grab is at least on the level of Sabo's Talon, given Cracker with a fully powered haki imbued thrust couldn't pierce base Luffy's Haki imbued stomach, he whose Haki didn't overpower Doffy's and vice versa. Damn, Doffy-sama.


Eh ? Cracker never used hardening on his sword pretzel when he stabbed tankman or he would have killed luffy.
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