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So you are just accusing me of reporting a thread about this joke ? That's not very mature from you either.

And if you want to know I indeed expressed my disapproval of the Sanji Reiju joke but the only threads I report are the batte threads that are made to bash one character or far too one-sided battles or obvious troll threads.

And again I just expressed my distaste for an incestuous pairing, if I was pissy you can be sure that my reaction would have been much more brutal and that I would have reported this thread.
Either way you reacted way too negatively to that which is my problem, i don't get individuals like you who make a mountain out of a molehill

whatever bro

Formerly Seth

I rather hope that the fake drama with the scabbards fighting Kaido and wanting to die to bring him down with them won't last too long, the last case similar to this with Law vs Doflamingo lasted much too long at Dressrosa.
Don't worry there is still useless Yamato flashback to come and Act 3 sacrifice + every supernova butting in whenever Straw hats could have a cool moment together.
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Use the metric system like normal people.
Yeah fuck the US clock and fuck US height metric.
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