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Sanji is a Ls collector,a weakling good for nothing,one of the two worst Straw Hats next to his beloved puny girl Nami. Chopper come back of Time-Skip endlessly better than him. In the last SBS,was revealed the fandom started to be endlessly more interested in Chopper than in Sanji,and Oda confirmed Sanji is finished forever as character after Totto Land Arc.
Sanji is a Ls collector,a weakling good for nothing,one of the two worst Straw Hats next to his beloved puny girl Nami. Chopper come back of Time-Skip endlessly better than him. In the last SBS,was revealed the fandom started to be endlessly more interested in Chopper than in Sanji,and Oda confirmed Sanji is finished forever as character after Totto Land Arc.
VC importance > underling importance :hihihi:
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