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As said this will be a massive switch tag team party.

I can see three people having aerial skirmishes with King and one is Sanji for sure.

The problem is that Oda can't write good fights.

The only thing he can write is emotional fights.

The only fights that were somewhat good were Sanji and Zoro's fights.

Most of the Luffy fights are deeply emotional.

I'm too old for shit like that. I want to see a massive slugfest between Kaido and Luffy, Zoro and etc.
Sanji and Zoro fights are just as one dimensional as Luffy

Other than Ohm, Zoro just slices harder to win, Sanji Kicks harder to win

It's the weaker Strawhats who actually use strategy


Perona actually lowdiffs Ulti. She’s a meathead monkey who only charges like a blithering idiot. In the meantime ghost perona breaks her will and spams explosions

that’s why Usopp and Nami will shit on the pair. Cuz it’s literally brain and strategies vs physical bulk and brawn
Nami=A girl as weak as Spandam.
Ulti=A girl who rivalizes with Luffy himself.
Clima Tact's attacks are too puny for make real damage in Ulti and she certainly know how to counter the weather toy at close range like Kumadori and Smoothie did. Ulti will easily overpower Nami and make her cry in fear,and this will be a big L for Sanji by underestimate his enemies.
Sanji is a Ls collector,a weakling good for nothing,one of the two worst Straw Hats next to his beloved puny girl Nami. Chopper come back of Time-Skip endlessly better than him. In the last SBS,was revealed the fandom started to be endlessly more interested in Chopper than in Sanji,and Oda confirmed Sanji is finished forever as character after Totto Land Arc.
Chopper VC? Wake up fool! Chopper eved didn't became stronger after time skip, he is worst...weakest SH
Nami=A girl as weak as Spandam.
Ulti=A girl who rivalizes with Luffy himself.
Clima Tact's attacks are too puny for make real damage in Ulti and she certainly know how to counter the weather toy at close range like Kumadori and Smoothie did. Ulti will easily overpower Nami and make her cry in fear,and this will be a big L for Sanji by underestimate his enemies.
LMFAOOOOOO are we reading 2 piece and a side of fries? Nami beats Lulti 6 ways til Sunday in the World of Oda. Nami could trip up, fuck up every “attack” and it would end up as a gag in favor of her. I don’t see Nami getting a single scratch out of this “fight” if Ulti = Luffy then Nami = fucking Big Mom compared to Lulti the idiot rat
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