General & Others How would the other Straw Hat Pirates have reacted and fared on Momoiro Island aka Okama land ?

Luffy: He'd be beloved like on Amazon
Zoro: He'd try run away & never get futher than down the hall
Nami/Robin: Befriend/Lead them
Usopp: Somehow impress them with his lies
Chopper: Would become their dress-up doll
Franky: They'd probably leave him alone cuz of his perv status
Jinbe: Probably treated the same
Brook: He'd ask to see their panties. They'd oblige. He'd make some joke about how happy he is to not have eyes
I don't know why people are saying That Robin and Nami would befriend him given that Bon Clay tried to flirt with Vivi and Iva and his scissor boytoy are clear-cut Pansexuals who switch up their genders depending on their moods