Who Can Save Wano (and us)?

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Blother Fertitta

Real Ni**er Blother
You mean back in FI ? Wasn't it more along the lines of, if he is indeed responsible for everything that happened to Nami, he should commit seppuku, which is one killing himself to restore his honor ?

And then Jimbe explained himself and Sanji later on fought alongside him to save Fish-Man Island ?
Sanji been having tiny dick energy this whole time, smh as expected of beta simp white knight
Listen, I'm not reading all that shit just because you can comprehend a simple thing as ranks.
Next you gonna say Calamities aren't stronger than Tobiroppo.

If you can't understand something as simple as this:

Don't reply to me.
I don't wanna chat with a braindead person
But Gifter isn't a strength rank and the Headliner rank isn't limited to being an elite Gifter, so ability is inherently irrelevant.

I'm the one here who can comprehend this, the problem is that you are confusing ranks based on strength with categories unrelated to strength. Hence your fallacious comparison with the Calamities and the Tobi Roppo. What you are doing here is assuming that the Gifter group that Oda drew should exclude the majority of Headliners he deliberately put in there following the intrincate reasoning that "they were once Gifters but they aren't anymore" so, instead of simply drawing common Gifters, Oda is overcomplicating his message by forcing us to infere with no actual clue that, in spite of Shinobu talking in present time, 66% of those characters purposely used to exemplify the Gifter category aren't Gifters anymore? Do you get how absurd that sounds?

And a "select group that is superior in terms of ability" can still be part of a bigger group that includes every member regardless their ability, hence why there's an elite within literally any job. An elite football player isn't less of a football player just by being at the top.

I'm afraid you are the braindead person here, buddy! And sadly for you I'm replying to you, I'm sorry.
WRONG! Kaido is not bored, if scabbards are that weak that Kaido is bored by just fighting them then why hasn't he already defeated them? I understand that we don't know Kaido's powers but regardless of he's powers he will not WIPE them out like people suggest. The tables will turn when Ino and Neku will ran out of SULONG, this fight is all about STAMINA Kaido can fight for hours, the scabbards can't. Like I said, Kaido is
not defeating them easily, people OVERESTIMATE top tiers cuz of their agendas, no top tier is going to defeat 4 YCs, that's BS, Don't forget that combined power of Luffy law and Kid<<<<<<<<all scabbards, just don't tell me that SULONG ino and neku+ Ashura, Denj, Kiku, Kinemon, Rizo<<<<<<<<<<3 supernovas.
What i am saying about bored is because before he said he going to do boro breath and see how much they could dodge it. So he spammed it. Now he saying their Sword skills are trash. This ain't about Stamina and dukes because he just took an arm off Okiku and none of the others stopped him. Who says the scabbards can't fight for hours. Dukes fought for 12 hours. What do you consider easy because if Kaido fights 4 commander level guys and 5 vetern or snack level guys. Then still go extreme diff vs Luffy,Zoro and Kidd. Was the scabbards even that hard.
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