Who will eat the next L?

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Not to mention that the Marco Big Mom clash created an explosion that was hundreds of feet tall. Also, the best translation we have currently for the end is:

Linlin: Marco! If you wanna kiil me, save it for next time!!!
Linlin: I don't have any souls I can use against you at the moment!!

Neither of these are things you say to someone you view as trash.
Let them continue my guy. We Marco stans are eating good this week.
Nami probably took at least 1 of their attacks and even if they were in base for some reason thats still extremely impressive for nami and most people in general

The fact that nami can still even move and talk is amazing
Yeah I agree. She deffo took a named attack.

I really want her to defeat Ulti. Idk what happened to Zeus. Im assuming for now Tama will save them by tameing Ulti and P1. But the next time they fight Nami will use Zeus properly and beat Ulti.
Vergo going in for attack, seemingly with the left leg, then just to mess with Sanji’s head he switches leg and attacks with the right

Vergo switches legs! And Sanji has no time to react, as per the three exclamation marks. Vergo is looking at Sanji with a "your move, you little shit bug"

Next up we see Sanji's fibula almost cleaving almost in two. Yet Sanji checks perfectly here high up on the knee where the bones and muslces are at their strongest right there, while Vergo kicks with the ankle, a weak part with with muscles and bones.

This is what happens when you don't see how the other guy is checking. Silvia going for a low angle kick with the foot and kicks just the way Vergo does, and ends up needing surgery and starts taking steroids after this episode to dull the excruciating pain of all the therapy and everything. It really was a life turner for Silvia who stood and still stands the longest undefeated UFC champion at this point in time (actually he did lose to Weidman in a match before and this was his rematch and it ended in disaster)

Vergo does this highly unoptimal kick against Sanji so as to troll him, show him who is better, truly better.

Next up Vergo has broken it off and left Sanji with his leg haplessly in the air, while this time Vergo has switched legs yet again and we see him doing a left roundhouse kick while Sanji still is standing like an idiot with his right leg in the air. Sanji can barely dodge the kick that is so strong it actually heats up the air and creates white flames, even hotter than Sanji (who in the timeskip has trained to be able to make yellow orange flames)

So Vergo treats Sanji as a light sparring bag. Sanji is literally fighting for his life.

Sanji was completely bested by VerGod at his own game

The emergency siren and message was what saved Sanji’s puppy life.

Yes all Doffy pirates need to be scaled up, but there is a clear difference between Vergo (who was a supreme officer) and the other officers. @kom5

Yet Tashigi takes a haki-hardened punch from Vergo. This sets her up as a strength and durability freak when Sanji gets shat on like this @pg13 Tashigi has good feats against Zoro, stopping a cannon ball with her swordtip, restraining Monet's strongest form (while Luffy gets restrained by Monet in base).
YOOO wtf is this, Vergo propaganda again?
Marco has overpowered and damaged Prometheus, with that, a Yonkous main weapon, then was smiling after it happened. Use any reason to justify it, it still happened.

Marco got damage in and received none. Didn't even need to use regeneration once.

Mihawk was hardly even paying attention to Vista, something u guys like to miss and now look where we are with the postponement coming full circle.

I don't need to show u anything, the panels are out there. Big mom knew that Perospero will interfere and didn't even say a single word of him staying out of this fight.
She was okay with him attacking Marco which makes it a 2v1 which Marco had to look out for.
So what? Luffy could fuck up Enel, who was approximately 12875 times stronger than him, because of elemental advantage. Oda cares a lot about putting natural advantages over power levels.

How was Mihawk hardly paying attention to Vista? Do you guys really think that it is so hard to form thoughts and fight someone properly at the same time?

BM was only holding Marco with one hand. She could have just as easily grabbed Napoleon with the other hand and attacked Marco.

Btwcront forget that BM’s basic grab was more threatening to Marco than Kizaru’s strongest attack
So you're salty about calling teens kids? I see. Teens are kids especially when you're relatively old now like me.

There's a difference between posting jokes with the occasional troll post and just outright trolling all the time trying to bait people, obsessively. Like the saying goes you never go full retard.

Best way to understand is to watch this clip:


It ok when you do it but not ok when others do it.

Called them teenager, got no jobs, covid etc...


Hustlerversity Graduate
Boi i know hes not their baby sitter but damn it still sucks to see them like this and not have sanji come in to save them

Hes doin good things like saving momo and leading luffy to kaido but still
I know it aint logically possible but i wish he could do both. Save them and help luffy :catcry:
Bruhh stopp

How long do you want people to protect them

Let them stand up for themselves for once
Boi i know hes not their baby sitter but damn it still sucks to see them like this and not have sanji come in to save them

Hes doin good thing like saving momo and leading luffy to kaido but still
I know it aint logically possible but i wish he could do both. Save them and help luffy :catcry:
Im happy Sanji isnt saving them. Shit gets too repetitive.

- He saved them from Enel

- He saved them from Jabra

- He saved Nami from Absaldom

- He saved Curly Hats from Doffy

Like it would be nice if he saved them from a Calamity or something. But P1 and Ulti are not worth Sanji going all the way back. For fucking once I want Nami and Usopp to hold their own. Im so proud of my girl Nami taking that damage and still being concious. They need to stop being babied by Sanji.
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