Who will eat the next L?

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It was satisfying to see Usopp and Nami being beaten like that, they should have known from the start that they were playing against guy out of their league, especially after WCI arc where Nami didn't suffer harm from Cracker and BM and stole Zeus in such a forced and cringy way.


Peerless In History
I'd view that as embarrassing for Luffy, I mean while he is overcoming the Yonko barrier this arc they need to overcome the YC barrier he overcame several years ago.
My ideal would be Zoro + Sanji vs King+Queen in a 2 vs 2.

As an aside, how embarassing are Law and Kidd's crews lol, pathetic.
Luffy isn't becoming Yonko level until EOS. It's not pathetic it's logical progression. He needed a lot of plot bull shit to beat Doffy, Cracker and Kata. Z and S have shown nothing on G4 level.
Some people really need to read the scans in their entirety.

It’s literally Usopp. Ulti broke free from his greens and one shot him.
Hey hey hey

1st off Page One set Ulti Free.
Usopp was trying to hold off 2 Tobbi Roppo
He can't defend against a 2v1 like other top tiers.

But funny cause I think his odds are better in a 1v1 rather than a 2v2

Also its not a one shot, he's up a few panels later.
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