Who will eat the next L?

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Kaido D. Stronger

But Kizaru never asked Onigumo to interfere, he was literally chilling in front of Marco.
Also, how does Big mom damage Marco?
If she hits him with her other hand, he regenerates, lol.

Big mom was looking at Perospero and had nothing against him attacking Marco which means she was ok with a 2v1.
Did he regenerate himself from the GARP PUNCH? No, the marks were still there. Haki + AP.


When G4 Luffy(which can overpower Katakuri in physical contest) clash with Base Big Mom

When Marco clash with Promotheus powered Big Mom

Guess Marco can literally KO Kata with his kicks :josad:
Brook can ko Kata. G3 can ko Kata since it blocked a named attack from Linlin with DJ sanji and pummeled Kaido
Linlin used CoA to block...
How after being sucked up from G4 and being tired Luffy wasn't at Linlin mercy ?

Without anyone else Luffy was a goner.

While with marco we know that he can heal (with limits) and we don't know at all the limits of his powers. Marco and you can agree with me didn't show everything at all.

So all in all Marco was likely in a better position than Luffy during their respective clash.
So you literally have no panel of Luffy being saved by plot like Marco was

Base Luffy can dodge linlin, Marco can't
Linlin has to chase after Luffy afterwards, she didn't have him in her hands nor did she drop him without killing him
Case closed.

Marco, King and Queen have trash réaction Speed and CoO
Have you skipped every Zoro fight so far or what? :myman:
He slashed Hatchan and didn't defeat him, slashed Kaku and didn't defeat him, slashed Pica and didn't defeat him... In most of his fights he actually lands cuts on his enemies that don't take them down. Zoro almost never one shots, and I say "almost" because I don't feel like checking some fights I don't remember that good.
Bro Nami was about to get killed by Ulti if Tama didn't save her lol.
Ulti just stomp both Usopp and Nami in shorttime,they aren't even any match ups for them. I think next chapter Tama save Usopp and Nami and they all run away. Guys like Pageone and Ulti are to much for Nami and Usopp for now.
I concede, they're too strong right now. twho would have thought Tama would be the savior tho? I don't think anybody expected this lol. hoping the dango only work on smile

Ulti: I can tell just by looking at you. So say it!! I'm pissed off!!
Ulti: You captain!!! He said he is going to beat Kaido and be king of the pirates!
Nami: Sorry!! He's an idiot! please stop the headbutts!!! I'll leave the island... please... If I get hit again I'll really die...
Ulti: Say it then! "My captain can't ever be the pirate king!"
Nami:*pant* *pant*
Nami: Pirate King? He...
Usopp: That's right Nami, it's okay to lie! Don't be an idiot or you really are going to die!

Nami: .. will definitely become the Pirate King! He will...
Ulti: Huhhh!?
Ulti: I see. Then, die!
Usopp: No, Nami, you idiot! Run!
Nami: But he will!! He will be the king!
Tama: O-nami chan!!!!!
Tama: Go!! Komacho!!
Usopp: Wha- is that?
Nami: O-Tama, why are you here?
Page 1: A dog!!?
damn once again nami proves why she’s the best female character in one piece
Mate, you are so severely exegerrating!
Less than 10% ? For real?

So Big mom with her Full weight, clear state of mind and both Prometheus + Zeus out in her hands is less than 10%

That's ridiculous. Also, Marco laughed in Big mom's face as well after beating Prometheus.
Prometheus wasn't even near his sun shape power
Zeus wasn't involve in the fight itself
her physicals power doing all the job ... no DF ... no Haki

when she is not using any DF or any Haki or weapon ... what is the right % for it? 50? 90?


for real ... I don't even care about Yonko Vs Admiral .... fuck it ... Fujitora > Big Mom ... ok?

problem is ... Big Mom grabbed Marco!

she can use Haki
she can use Prometheus in full power
she can use Zues in island level power
she can use her sword for a giant slash

but ... she simply let Marco go ....

Oda is MAKING Kaido and Big Mom not using the powers that we know they have
if they lose the war cause of cheap plot moments like this .... that will shit on one piece plot
What really surprised me about Marco vs Big Mom is not actually who looked better and so on
Rather, it looks like Marco's flames seems to have an "offensive capabilities" it even was distinguished in a "better way" than normal flames offensively

Meaning, Marco's flames offensively is > regular flames
And it gives him regeneration defensively

So, we learn today that Marco NOT ONLY as a mythical Zoan bird, he can fly, and incrase his speed and power like other zoans, and also his flames isn't only used for defense, rather, it seems it increases his offense too!

Makes it even a BETTER DF than what we assumed


Zoro Worshipper
It's crazy how big Ulti is compared to Nami, she will never stand a chance against her lmao. Unless a miracle happened, even at EoS.

I'm starting to feel like Ulti could be the second strongest Tobi Roppo after Who is Who. What do you believe about that?
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