US Presidental Race : 2020

Who is taking the US Presidential Election ?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 47 37.9%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 41 33.1%
  • Kanye West

    Votes: 36 29.0%

  • Total voters
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Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
But hey Democrats pander to low information voters and manipulate them.
As opposed to Trump who solely campaigns on factual issues like electron fraud that he can’t prove right? Or calling Joe Fucking Biden a socialist? Lmfao

You’re a damn clown if you think Democrats target the uneducated when Trump was literally encouraging his supporters to inject Bleach into their bloodstream to protect themselves from Covid lmfao.
As opposed to Trump who solely campaigns on factual issues like electron fraud that he can’t prove right? Or calling Joe Fucking Biden a socialist? Lmfao

You’re a damn clown if you think Democrats target the uneducated when Trump was literally encouraging his supporters to inject Bleach into their bloodstream to protect themselves from Covid lmfao.
Ahh So your a misinformed Misinterpreting Democrat. He did not recommend it, but idiots took it as so, So that's on those idiots.
Guess what, There is evidence of impropriety. There is affidavits out in Michigan rn explaining instances. Go look them up...

lol I bet your a CNN watcher. Good Job being brainwashed. My opinion yes but whatever.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Ahh So your a misinformed Misinterpreting Democrat. He did not recommend it, but idiots took it as so, So that's on those idiots.
Guess what, There is evidence of impropriety. There is affidavits out in Michigan rn explaining instances. Go look them up...

lol I bet your a CNN watcher. Good Job being brainwashed. My opinion yes but whatever.
Be honest: you injected Bleach Trump Sama told you to didn’t you? While bitching about how uneducated the left is? Lol
Be honest: you injected Bleach Trump Sama told you to didn’t you? While bitching about how uneducated the left is? Lol
Be honest, Your just scared of being wrong when being told you're wrong and you deflect.
You are uneducated when you can't even understand what is being said.
As somebody said this...
OK, so it's sad it would have to be explained to people that he's not suggesting you just take some disinfectant off your shelf at home and try shooting it up like heroin. He was clearly talking to some scientists about ideas that are being explored. No where in this video did he suggest that people go ahead and shoot up some disinfectant. This is the medical definition of "disinfectant" from the medical dictionary online - "n. An agent, such as heat, radiation, or a chemical, that destroys, neutralizes, or inhibits the growth of disease-carrying microorganisms. adj. Serving to disinfect."
So again, Yeah Uneducated., disinfection is not sporicidal.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Be honest, Your just scared of being wrong when being told you're wrong and you deflect.
You are uneducated when you can't even understand what is being said.
As somebody said this...

So again, Yeah Uneducated. describes a process that,liquid chemicals or wet pasteurization.&text=Unlike sterilization, disinfection is not sporicidal.
Yeah you’re right, keep suggesting that it was necessary for actual doctors to hear Trump’s opinions on adding disinfectants to medicine, and then bitching about how uneducated you think everyone else is lmfao.

Btw, my wife literally works in medicine and got her degree from the number 1 university in the entire US for her respective field, and she and most of her classmates and colleagues agree that Donald Trump is a fucking idiot, just like every other educated professional when Trump tries to offer his Alzheimer’s-infested opinion on things he is a fucking idiot on.

And then people like you claim that actual educated people are uneducated because they’re too informed to fall for yours and Trump’s stupidity lol. Enjoy your phat-ass L as Donald Trump cries himself to sleep every night during his last 70 days.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Lol so people actually think that doctors needed to get medical advice from Trump? Trump must be such an amazing guy if he apparently knows more about how medicine works on the human body than actual doctors
No educated people think this, only uneducated buffoons who don’t know how anything works think that infectious disease experts need to hear an opinion from a guy with dementia to do their job properly lol.
No educated people think this, only uneducated buffoons who don’t know how anything works think that infectious disease experts need to hear an opinion from a guy with dementia to do their job properly lol.
Well even before becoming president or even holding any political office, he apparently knew more about what’s going on in the Middle East than any of the generals did, so it would make sense that he would also know more about medicine than any of the doctors do. Clearly Trump is just the smartest guy alive and he knows more about any subject you can think of compared to anyone who is an expert in said subject

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Am I suppose to be cowed by your wife having a degree in medicine? lol Fuck off.
I feel bad for your wife being married to you. You've yet to disprove the video and misinterpret it.
I pointed to you a direct example of someone I know who is literally at the top of her field in terms of her education disagreeing with Trump the deranged, and you act like this doesn’t debunk your entire argument?

Remember when Trump said Covid would miraculously disappear by April? Top notch education there. Lol
Your opinions on the matter are shot when You think Biden whose mentally deranged but still support him.
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I pointed to you a direct example of someone I know who is literally at the top of her field in terms of her education, and you act like this doesn’t debunk your entire argument?

Remember when Trump said Covid would miraculously disappear by April? Top notch education there. Lol
You didn't say anything about what she said. You just said she's top in her field, but she thinks Trump is an idiot.... how the fuck is that an argument.
Donald Trump thinks that Frederick Douglass is still alive lol
Good for you... When did he say that? and what's the context.
Sorry I don't watch CNN
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The left supports racism but disguises it as they're fighting against it. If you can't see that, there's no help for you.
Do I think whatever Trump says is 100% true, no. Sorry I'm not the type to just abandon things after one little thing.
He exaggerates sure.
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