With Kaido beeing in Dragon form again and working on a new move, it seems like the Scabbards get stomped very hard, so much for them to take on Kaido, bunch of Yonkou commanders+Veterans aren´t enough for Base Kaido, that is just crazy but show again why also Smoothie and Katakuri fear Big mom in whole cake island where Katakuri state that no one could stop Big mom in her enraged mode.
Kaido and Big mom are two powerhouse but I think if the raid really gonna work, either Big mom or Kaido betray each other since if Oda plan to end the raid with the W for Luffy troup, I can´t see Big mom also falling down with Kaido. I still have my hopes for the Navy to show up to encounter the two Rock giants, but I think it don´t gonna happend now.
Also I think Kaido will show a ancient weapon in the first time of One piece, we gonna see one in action this time!!!
Zoro finally proved to have CoC, hope this end the debat of Zoro never surpassing Rayleigh.