Does somebody belive flat earth?


Zoro Worshipper
First I don't belive in flat earth theory but im curious about how/Why People belive in it maybe flat earther could give me some hinta/speculations/Proof about that.. This thread isnt sacratic or mocking thread i honestly Wana meat some flat earther
So is there any flat earther in worst generation?
I hope not, it's an insult to science.

It has to be said that even in Bible the Old Testament mentions of Earth as flat, but religion is faith, it's different.

If you go by that then it is a very legit choice, faith isn't questionable. Even though science proved differently, and then all the explorations conducted just confirmed the calculations centuries ago.

But if that's not it, I can't really see why either, my only opinion is that some people just want to escape reality in absurd ways.

Fallen Prince

First I don't belive in flat earth theory but im curious about how/Why People belive in it maybe flat earther could give me some hinta/speculations/Proof about that.. This thread isnt sacratic or mocking thread i honestly Wana meat some flat earther
So is there any flat earther in worst generation?
I hope you are joking lol . There is not a single insane person here thinks earth is flat.
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They are mostly trolls, just like anti vaxxers and people who believe we didn't walk on the Moon
MAGA fanboys are special case though.