bro what are you even trying to say? hody jones is one of the weakest villains list me 5 relevant characters hody can beat and i will take this panel seriously
Hody is one of the physically strongest villains in the series. He just wasn't a good fighter, that's all. He still was able to be repeatedly smashed into a mountain several times and coming out looking about as scuffed as BM from the fucking bike or flying shits, Oven from being slammed into wooden buildings by Sanji, etc
Here is Kaido's grip force
Oda places heavy emphasis on Hody's physical power, hence why he didnt have him be a good fishman karate fighter. Hody was just a simple minded brute, fishman karate wouldn't have befitted his personality. That's why the theme of Hody was that of fishmen's physical strength prowess and the overdosing of that with energy steroids.
Oda emphasises his strength
Hody has an open palm against a wall that is an armoured wall
armoured walls that were easily broken by his grip strength when he isn't on the juice
Eats Zoro's slash without going down. The pills didn't heal him, they just dulled the pain, and Zoro was doing shishio sonson on Hody