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critical mindset

it was impressive at the time but not anymore not after we saw how strong characters are in the new world the strongest characters hody can beat is doflamingos underlinings(delinger,senior pink, etc..)
When Luffy was 10,000m above the surface he faced Enel who he could beat owing to his rubber constitution. Otherwise Enel was invincible

Luffy was facing Hody 10,000m below the surface this time, and the theme was the same again, of Luffy using his constitution as a natural counter to Hody who couldn't leverage his physical power against Luffy who is rubber.

It was shown that Hody didnt even know how to throw a roundhouse kick. It's like he had never kicked before doing it all wrong. He wasn't any fighter, Oda even made fun of Hody that way. He made Hody into an unsophisticated musclehead, that was his theme. He possessed no finesse like Jimbei, he was just a primitive motherfucker

If you look at how he manages to launch Luffy's head back with this amount of force giving the impression to the onlookers that he decapitated Luffy (thats how fast he imparted acceleration onto Luffy's head) then you realise this punch is enough to fucking kill and decaptate people on the spot. Luffy is able to make fun of the fact because he is rubber

One of these fucking punches and Queen would be KOd with early onset dementia. Big Mom needed like 3 or what punches and Queen was still alive and kicking and knocking Big Mom out instead.
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Spoiler Provider
Zoro vs King

Lmao the entire crew is going to the roof

Not here to fight small fry ?:saden:
Zoro already declared he is going for Kaido. All other strawhats go to roof to fight tobi roppo or stall big mom. Nami and Usopp already have pay pay and ulti attention, frankly has Sasaki's, Sanji has black maria, Jinbe has Who's who.

Luffy, Brook, Kid, Killer, Law, and Robin against Big Mom.
Zoro vs Kaido


Lazy is the way
I'm like 95% sure Who's Who is a new character and not someone we've seen
Oda is really that bad of a writer, I'm sure of it:shame:
Why not, he can be a character from jimbe past, that the reader can discover just now and didn't need to know before.

Oda will use that to flesh Jimbe more, and to give WsW backstory and interest.

Being a new character in itself is not that bad

Lets see how Oda handle it.
Average chapter

The pacing was particularly atrocious this chapter with us moving around different sub locations all the time and the double spreads reduced drastically the length of the chapter.

Marco's flames burn after all and they are increasing the body temperature to stabilize Ice Oni.
Marco is taking Zoro, Brooke and Robin upwards but i don't think it will be that easy and someone will attempt to block them.

The matchups are somewhat finally being solidified and the most interesting looks like Wsw vs Jinbei.

Finally an Ace-yamato cliffhanger that no one could've guessed will be happening this chapter,it looks like there will be an Ace flashback killing the pacing definitively.

Chapter 1000 really do looks boring now.

Quality of chapter 998 : 2 5/5
Are people for real. Where did you even get the idea that Marco healed Apoo? He is just suppressing the ice one with his fire. Do people just blindly comment?
It's fact that Marco flames heal.

The main purpose to using his flames was to suppress the virus but that doesn't stop it from healing the people hit by his flames.

Chopper wants to heal everyone infected, friend or for. He told everyone to heat up their bodies to suppress the virus. Marco then used his flames on Chpper to show him he could help.

Next he used a huge fire attack on the area to suppress the infected people's virus. Remember, they weren't location at any certain area but everywhere. So Marco needed a large enough attack to make sure everyone infected was hit. Hitting a none infected person does not harm them but missing an infected people would put them back at square one and cause the virus to run rampage again.

Understand, the scene doesn't show the full size of the attack.

Apoo was in the middle of the area that was hit so he would have been hit by the flames and healed/revived some. The flames have limited healing powers on people.

The flames only continue to burn the infected area. Chopper whole body was on fire but the part that continue to burn was only the infected part.

Shortly after Marco use his flames we see Apoo get up. Still weaken but up.

This page also shows the following:
- Chopper infected side is the part of his body that is still burning
- it further proves Apoo was KO and was just revived because the first thing he does was try to get the antidote back. If he was conscious earlier he would have tried to get the antidote sooner.


Lazy is the way
Then there's literally no point in the "who's behind the mask" plot.
It's just plain bad writing.
Oda will use the mask reveal to create an expectation and tension for that fight. Could he do the Jimbe/WsW reveal without the mask thing ? yeah maybe but frankly this is not really an issue I have with the current writing. There are a lot more to say about other plot points in Wano.
I can live with the WsW mask plot. WsW is cool character and this can maybe explore Jimbo character more.

Cyrus the Cactus

Mihawk Reigns Supreme
Oda gets how shitty of a nickname pirate-hunter is and that is why he never has characters call Zoro that way anymore ,outside of fodder henchmen here and there.

Marco got added to the list calling him Roronoa.
From the characters I remember right now; Mihawk,Apoo,Kid&Marco the newest addition from the big figures. Kaku from his opponents and Pica full name.
Smoker and Tashigi call him Roronoa as well. Foreshadowing a new epithet or true name reveal this arc? :finally:
Wow Marco can do anything heal support fight he is incredibly useful man what a game changer:phoenixmarco:.
He did acknowledge chopper's medicals skills as he followed his instructions, for people that look down on him chopper is top class doctor very useful in this arc and pulling his weight

Zoro didn't attack Marco blindly he saw his little bro chopper on fire screaming so he acted lmao nobody touches him when he is around

Zoro being treated with respect by Marco offering him to fly him to the top damn this is pure hype and my boy Marco seems to be enjoying himself too.

I think he can tell strawhats are very competent will be overjoyed to see him get a win after all he has been through.

The Zoro Drake moment was nice i love the respect these two have developed for each other, Zoro also speaking confidently about winning. Sounds like some heads will fly haha

Franky having a great showing so far what a boss knocking big mom of her feet defeating a number with single shot now taking on flying six member
and Sasaki looks to be taking him quite seriously too telling his men to move aside way to go aniki :fransuper:.

Jimbe is just lovable telling who's who to use the title with more meaning i like how much pride he takes in being the helmsman of the crew he is elevating his captain Luffy to new heights. This should be a very interesting matchup Oda saved Who's Who until this late he must be very strong

Sanji running away from that gifter with the snake smile fruit not even Black Maria herself Chrono and Kurwa should be able to enjoy that scene oda drew it specifically for them:wellwell:.

Overall really good chapter i think all the match ups should be done in the next two chapters
Wow Marco can do anything heal support fight he is incredibly useful man what a game changer:phoenixmarco:.
He did acknowledge chopper's medicals skills as he followed his instructions, for people that look down on him chopper is top class doctor very useful in this arc and pulling his weight

Zoro didn't attack Marco blindly he saw his little bro chopper on fire screaming so he acted lmao nobody touches him when he is around

Zoro being treated with respect by Marco offering him to fly him to the top damn this is pure hype and my boy Marco seems to be enjoying himself too.

I think he can tell strawhats are very competent will be overjoyed to see him get a win after all he has been through.

The Zoro Drake moment was nice i love the respect these two have developed for each other, Zoro also speaking confidently about winning. Sounds like some heads will fly haha

Franky having a great showing so far what a boss knocking big mom of her feet defeating a number with single shot now taking on flying six member
and Sasaki looks to be taking him quite seriously too telling his men to move aside way to go aniki :fransuper:.

Jimbe is just lovable telling who's who to use the title with more meaning i like how much pride he takes in being the helmsman of the crew he is elevating his captain Luffy to new heights. This should be a very interesting matchup Oda saved Who's Who until this late he must be very strong

Sanji running away from that gifter with the snake smile fruit not even Black Maria herself Chrono and Kurwa should be able to enjoy that scene oda drew it specifically for them:wellwell:.

Overall really good chapter i think all the match ups should be done in the next two chapters
Chapeau :cheers:
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