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Literally everything you said is wrong and head cannon
everyone who was hit by marco flame has the flame stuck on them for multiply panels
Nice try though trying to save face for zoro weak attack getting tanked


Now show me the panel where marco used flames on apoo? Why doesn't apoo have flames on him like the rest who were healed? because people who stood closer to marco flame did not get hit by it and you expect me to play along with your head cannon and say that apoo was healed by marco because your desperate after talking so much shit last week for a sneak attack that couldn't even put apoo down.

Drake bite> sing song 1 sword style

at least drake put apoo down for good
He regrouped with them after getting hit...as he came back to his senses.

As you can see the Yakuza in the back are not in flames...

Also Marco said they'll start turning back to Ice Onis once they run out of stamina...

Thus the Yakuza had to protect Chopper against them....

Showing the Ice Oni group to be in front of Chopper....which they always were.

Apoo was not healed....he got up by himself. Oda would've obviously mentioned if he was healed or not.
My post proves Apoo was heal and counter both of these post but there is a catch. You have to ready my entries post. IE one as why wasn't Apoo on fire. My post explains that.

Apoo was revived, get over it.
It's fact that Marco flames heal.

The main purpose to using his flames was to suppress the virus but that doesn't stop it from healing the people hit by his flames.

Chopper wants to heal everyone infected, friend or for. He told everyone to heat up their bodies to suppress the virus. Marco then used his flames on Chpper to show him he could help.

Next he used a huge fire attack on the area to suppress the infected people's virus. Remember, they weren't location at any certain area but everywhere. So Marco needed a large enough attack to make sure everyone infected was hit. Hitting a none infected person does not harm them but missing an infected people would put them back at square one and cause the virus to run rampage again.

Understand, the scene doesn't show the full size of the attack.

Apoo was in the middle of the area that was hit so he would have been hit by the flames and healed/revived some. The flames have limited healing powers on people.

The flames only continue to burn the infected area. Chopper whole body was on fire but the part that continue to burn was only the infected part.

Shortly after Marco use his flames we see Apoo get up. Still weaken but up.

This page also shows the following:
- Chopper infected side is the part of his body that is still burning
- it further proves Apoo was KO and was just revived because the first thing he does was try to get the antidote back. If he was conscious earlier he would have tried to get the antidote sooner.
Wrong, your Zoro fanboy logic doesn't work as usual, Zoro was captured because his attack wasn't strong enough to finish drug Hody. :milaugh:

His attack only works against drug-less garbage Hody.
Drug Hody bodied Zoro.

Another garbage example just like Kuma.

You are in denial if you think Zoro needs to tell you the name of his attacks everytime he uses.

Name attacks means nothing, you are making excuses like other Zoro fanboys. Whitebeard never used name attack, mihawk never use name attack, Law killed Vergo without a name attack. If you still think name attack means something you read the series for nothing.

You are the Zoro fan who said Zoro wasn't serious when Chopper was burning alive, you are trolling with low quality.
I like your posts because you are creditless like moe and ndule :blush: .
Zoro used the same attack used against Hody under water and fucked Apoo for minutes while Kid couldn't do shit and lanji is struggling with Drake slowest form mf is slow asf he got tailed by him :milaugh:
Slowji :endthis:
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Who thinks King will have a higher bounty than Marco, and who thinks Marco will have a higher bounty than King?

I personally think Marco's should be higher since he actively fought the WG, but I think King's will be a little higher for story/tension reasons.
I think Marco > king in terms of bounty. Whenever he was portrayed he was either scrapping with Garp/admirals/Yonko and or several vice admirals together (and we know 5 VA make up a buster call, and that’s a huge deal)
Who thinks King will have a higher bounty than Marco, and who thinks Marco will have a higher bounty than King?

I personally think Marco's probably should be higher since he actively fought the WG, but I think King's will be a little higher for story/tension reasons.
Imo Marco is around 1.6-1.5 billion and King around 1.5-1.4 billion, minimal difference
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