Powers & Abilities Destroying the myth: Named attacks are superior to no named attacks

OP fans for some weird reason have got it in their heads that just because a character has a name for an attack that somehow it’s more potent and more powerful than if they were to just attack silently, well allow me to tell you why you’re wrong.

This is Akainu, using the attack called ”Meigou” to take half of Whitebeard’s face. If you notice his hand is open with his fingers pointed as magma is pouring out from his arm(credit to newgate-arts from deviantart).

Now this is Akainu again using the SAME EXACT ATTACK on Whitebeard to dig a hole in his chest. The way the attack looks is exactly the same from the position of the fingers to the way magma is pouring out along his arm. The only difference here is Akainu targets Whitebeards chest instead of his face.

I can show countless similar examples where characters do the same attack but in one case says a name but in the other does not, the naming of attacks is only done for the audience, it has nothing to do with the strength of the attack itself.

So next time someone says ”X character did this with a no-named attack, imagine what he will do when he names his attacks”, just show them these two pictures of Akainu or show them Doflamingo controlling Jozu with ease and only saying ”Parasyte” post TS once the audience are already familiar with his DF.
People who think no named attack < named attack simply don't know what they are saying
Those are all excuses to wank a character

"ChaRAcTer A 1 shOtS chAraCTer B wiTh nO NaMEd aTTacK... LoW diFF" :suresure:
DAMN you're still salty about 997 chap ??? :nicagesmile: It's been more than TWO WEEKS already !!!:whitepress:
It's time to move on bruh ...:hapnoel:
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If the no name attack is when the person is enraged... then it isn't weaker
If the unnamed attack patterns is the same as the named one... then it isn't weaker
Yooo you're reading too far into this ! One Piece is a manga about symbolism and willpower ... so it can be wacky at times but nothing this meticulous.
Yes, named attack means nothing. When someone says that you can notice that person doesn't really know One Piece. Or making cheap excuses.

Luffy's attacks against Hajrudin, and Bellamy weren't named. And those attacks were obviously more powerful than regular G2 pistols, based on how he one-shotted them.

It was obviously stronger than regular G2 Pistol due to Luffy being enraged and more focused.
Yes, named attack means nothing. When someone says that you can notice that person doesn't really know One Piece. Or making cheap excuses.

Luffy's attacks against Hajrudin, and Bellamy weren't named. And those attacks were obviously more powerful than regular G2 pistols, based on how he one-shotted them.

It was obviously stronger than regular G2 Pistol due to Luffy being enraged and more focused.
Luffy used no named attacks to one shot Sai, Bellamy once again, and Hajrudin. What about characters who take more than one hit? There were four in that arc and Luffy beat two of them with named attacks, the other two fights were inconclusive.


Yes, named attack means nothing. When someone says that you can notice that person doesn't really know One Piece. Or making cheap excuses.

Luffy's attacks against Hajrudin, and Bellamy weren't named. And those attacks were obviously more powerful than regular G2 pistols, based on how he one-shotted them.

It was obviously stronger than regular G2 Pistol due to Luffy being enraged and more focused.
Also Jozu doing minor to moderate damage at best to Crocodile with a named tackle, then making Aokiji bleed with a no-name one.
Have been saying it in OJ already. Naming the attack doesn't really matter as long as we know what attack it is. Luffy used KG against Big Mom without naming it, Aokiji used Ice Time against Jozu without naming it. Zoro used Shishi Sonson against Apoo without naming it. Whitebeard named none of his attacks. Doesn't make them weaker.

"No named attacks" are attacks which we cannot assign. Like Zoro randomly swinging his sword. But if it's a specific move we can determine by the appearance, it doesn't matter whether the name was called or not.