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also I will trust Flower this DP, I have a good feeling about her, and everyone who votes on Midnight: good feeling for now
What’s up with this post, Rej.

I won’t even ask about the blind Flower trust, but everyone who votes on Midnight; good feeling?


Are you scum, RejRej

Light D Lamperouge

𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝕮𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖉 𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖊𝖓
You don’t have anything to claim?
Nah. Nothing valuable.

Who are your scum candidates now?
Right now definitely Midnight, and I am starting to think there's a scum in the silent ones too.

I am not sure where we all landed with the Gambit Rej thing. Did Gambit really switch himself with Rej or what? Gambit wasn't a town so Flowa wouldn't be able to get in a chat with him from what I understood.


There's no "Tina!"
Let’s liven it up. You don’t have anything to claim? Who are your scum candidates now?

Also same question for @Lindltaylor and @Rej

Or filler me at the very least :neesama:
Midnight definitely plays scummy to me. Honestly he seems like a player who’s simply given up which isn’t a good thing at all if he’s scum cause that puts his teammates in a bad position. But his lunch would definitely be helpful to confirm flower. I’m assuming she used her mason ability to determine if he’s town or nah.

Flower I’m totally not in the clear with since day 1. But I hope this Lynch on midnight will help me either confirm her as town or scum.

Jew well, I was neutral on him last day phase, but this time there are some flags.
1) did not like how he was too pushy for a Beta Lynch but immediately back tracked after a possible character suggestion.
2) his refusal to vote with the majority might be a restriction, but honestly it doesn’t help town much at all.

Honestly I would actually like Jew to tell us his action claim regarding Beta. That would help me regarding my suspicions on him.
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Also I liked Salah’s post last day, but this phase as well it’s something game mechanic related. I expected some reads, but didn’t get any yet.

This doesn’t give me a good feeling about him either. Scum are the ones who tend to talk more than necessary about game mechanics tbh.
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@Finalbeta has been ModKilled for hinting his Role!
You are Straw Hat Luffy,

[Strong Instincts] You have pretty good instincts and as the Captain of SHs, you can decide to cancel a lynch if you feel a town is being lynched. (1 shot)

[Town Leader]- As the Captain of SHs and Town leader, your votes will have twice the Voting Power. (2 shots)

[Captain Luffy] You are very protective of your crew. You will engage anyone at night to save your Nakamas, the targeted player will be role Blocked.

[Angry Luffy] - If a SH is killed at Night, your angry side can surface in the Game. You can redirect your wrath at Target and kill a person during the Night.

[King Kong Gun] If two SHs are killed during the Night, you will use your strongest form and strongest attack to Super Kill a player at night. (1 Shot)

[Strongest] As the Strongest character in PH, you can't be killed at Night. You will instead be role crushed for next one complete cycle.

[Grief Time] If you end up Killing Townie during the Night, you will be role crushed for 1 cycle. If you end up killing another SH you will loose all your Active abilities, and turn into a Vanilla player.

[Gives up] If you end up lynching 3 townies, you won't be able to carry on with the Game.
You will give up on becoming the PK and will loose the Game. We hosts will eliminate you from the game in that scenario.

Wincon - Must eliminate all threat to Town.]


There's no "Tina!"
I'll catch up right now and in the meantime a summary would be good.
Midnight is the main suspect, has been since day 1 due to really scummy play. Flower said she is sure he's scum in the beginning of this day phase.

Beta used up the first action claim today by saying he tried to kill flower but the kill failed. Jew used up the second action claim by hinting that he targeted Beta last night. Beta thought flower was scum for surviving the kill and Jew thought Beta was scum but then he said that he might be wrong and that Beta is town. Beta was modkilled and flipped town.

Previous day phase:
Flower action claimed saying she has a mason ability that lets her open up a chat room with her and her target if her target is town. It failed on Night 1 with Gambit (Who was Law, a third party)

Day 1:
A lot of reads thrown around, but main suspects were Gambit and Midnight. The lynch did not go through because Beta stopped the lynch and thus we are wasting Day 3 again on Midnight.

You are by far a common suspect to everyone after Midnight and Gambit because your predecessor was reserved and her main accusers ended up dead (God Usopp and Sera). People found her hesitant in many posts.

Also I would just tell you to skim Day 2 and read Day 3 for now. You can catch up on day 1 during the night if you like.
Thanks for the summary. I'm almost done reading everything and I'm down for a Midnight lynch since they have been complaining and fluffing.

If Midnight flips mafia, then this should make Flower a town read because of the claim. Marimo and Natalija would also be a town read just by looking at the vote count on day 1.
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I'll be logging out soon and will be back in around 9-10 hours.

Vote Lynch Midnight Delight @Yo Tan Wa @RayanOO
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Holy Simp
Let’s liven it up. You don’t have anything to claim? Who are your scum candidates now?

Also same question for @Lindltaylor and @Rej

Or filler me at the very least :neesama:
Just trust my vote and we will see next DP
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I would go out and say I believe Flower is scum but the thing with Flower, many times when I think she is scum she isn't. So I'm a lot more reserved in saying yes she is scum. Which is also another reason I really wanted her to use her ability on me. I know I can't just trust my person thoughts on her, because with her I'm usually wrong.
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Nope not even possible. Beta is town.
So her vote on Midnight is a bus attempt? Or is it Indie vs Mafia? Midnight is scum in my book and I will just vote him today.
What’s up with this post, Rej.

I won’t even ask about the blind Flower trust, but everyone who votes on Midnight; good feeling?


Are you scum, RejRej
And here ladies and gentlemen, the scum partner of midnight.
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Thanks for the summary. I'm almost done reading everything and I'm down for a Midnight lynch since they have been complaining and fluffing.

If Midnight flips mafia, then this should make Flower a town read because of the claim. Marimo and Natalija would also be a town read just by looking at the vote count on day 1.
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I'll be logging out soon and will be back in around 9-10 hours.

Vote Lynch Midnight Delight @Yo Tan Wa @RayanOO
W3lcome to town Juliet. Lets lynch the mafia. :kata:


There's no "Tina!"
@Yo Tan Wa @AL sama Since the second action claim was already used by Jew cause of hinting, could he full claim his action since that is nothing but an extension of his hinting and we aren't getting any new claims today?

I just want proper concrete info here concerning what he had about Beta.

So her vote on Midnight is a bus attempt? Or is it Indie vs Mafia? Midnight is scum in my book and I will just vote him today.
I think she already took care of the Indie vs Mafia yesterday after we lynched Gambit. The midnight lynch could be a bus attempt. Btw you and Lanji were having a few exchanges on Day 1. How do you feel now that he's dead? :cheers:


Holy Simp
@Yo Tan Wa @AL sama Since the second action claim was already used by Jew cause of hinting, could he full claim his action since that is nothing but an extension of his hinting and we aren't getting any new claims today?

I just want proper concrete info here concerning what he had about Beta.

I think she already took care of the Indie vs Mafia yesterday after we lynched Gambit. The midnight lynch could be a bus attempt. Btw you and Lanji were having a few exchanges on Day 1. How do you feel now that he's dead? :cheers:
I am not surprised about his flip. I tried to figure him out, leaned scum, then Gambit happened.

Here on WG literally half of town is scummy always.
Thanks for clarifying! Vote Lynch Salah @Yo Tan Wa
Vote Lynch Jew D. Boy
@Yo Tan Wa

Anyone asking about me, DP started when it was Night here & i'm busy in the morning, now i'm here.
Anyway, so no one gonna defend Midnight?? His play is definitely scummy but all i'm saying is an extremely easy lynch, tbh he doesn't seem to have buddies willing to take the focus somewhere else, everyone just agrees on lynching him instantly

Either he is 3rd or town and if he is Mafia then his buddies decided to abandon him & whatever the case it is, anyone spending this day talking about him doesn't make them look townie to me

Forget midnight for now, he is getting lynched, i want other reads
(Btw what was the second action claim this DP?? all i see is Final's

My suspects are still light, marimo & zem/juliet based purely on reads
@Flower you don't believe Gambit transported himself & Rej?

Btw i need everyone to write their town/scum reads on all remaining players, i really need it to check something
I will start:

Rej --- Lean town
Midnight --- Lean Scum
Jew D. Boy --- Lean town
Light --- Lean Scum
Kiri --- Lean Scum
Natalija --- Lean Town
Juliet --- Lean Scum
Flower --- Lean Town
Lindtaylor --- Lean Town
Marimo --- Lean Scum
Vote Lynch Jew D. Boy
@Yo Tan Wa

Anyone asking about me, DP started when it was Night here & i'm busy in the morning, now i'm here.
Anyway, so no one gonna defend Midnight?? His play is definitely scummy but all i'm saying is an extremely easy lynch, tbh he doesn't seem to have buddies willing to take the focus somewhere else, everyone just agrees on lynching him instantly

Either he is 3rd or town and if he is Mafia then his buddies decided to abandon him & whatever the case it is, anyone spending this day talking about him doesn't make them look townie to me

Forget midnight for now, he is getting lynched, i want other reads
(Btw what was the second action claim this DP?? all i see is Final's

My suspects are still light, marimo & zem/juliet based purely on reads
@Flower you don't believe Gambit transported himself & Rej?

Btw i need everyone to write their town/scum reads on all remaining players, i really need it to check something
I will start:

Rej --- Lean town
Midnight --- Lean Scum
Jew D. Boy --- Lean town
Light --- Lean Scum
Kiri --- Lean Scum
Natalija --- Lean Town
Juliet --- Lean Scum
Flower --- Lean Town
Lindtaylor --- Lean Town
Marimo --- Lean Scum
I don't think so unless Rej isn't Town either. If Gambit had transported himself with Rej he would have thrown accusations his way and not my way. This doesn't say anything about Rej, but I don't think Gambit switched himself with him.
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To my reads:

Rej - iffy, but seeming more Town now.
Midnight - scum.
Light - neutral.
JDB - neutral (waiting for his claim if still possible).
Zem/Juliet - scum lean.
Nat - Town.
Marimo - Town.
Lind - neutral.
Kiri - neutral, but find their posts interesting since they don't seem newbie-ish.
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I don't think so unless Rej isn't Town either. If Gambit had transported himself with Rej he would have thrown accusations his way and not my way. This doesn't say anything about Rej, but I don't think Gambit switched himself with him.
That's because Gambit wasn't town indeed, he himself wasn't sure if your ability truly reached him, after al lyour ability seems to trigger in NP & happen DP so even i'm not sure if your action happens before his transport

I think from his perspective, he knows he is not Town so he can't risk & accuse Rej because he will end up creating another player against him, but this doesn't change the fact that he indeed have transport ability & why wouldn't he use it on himself?
If you survived lynch & u have transport ability to protect yourself, u wouldn't use it next NP?

We don't have info on Rej unfortunately & we already have our lynch target, but based on what i just said, i'm changing my reads about him, he really could be Scum & was your target
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