Yeah, it’s really fuckin’ simple when you don’t understand the concept of protecting the things that are important to the people you love...I’m starting to wonder if you know what it’s like to have a friend lose something special, or do you just tell anyone close to you to let it go when they’ve gone through trauma??
Thats How you think WB is? Ahahahahaha. You really see him as a saint not a pirate.
Since his most important thing in the WORLD IS HIS crew, his TREASURE,why you even think that WB would risk lose more of them for civilians and oden family? ODEN was a Lost TREASURE. Not the rest.
And why you even puting ME on that, im talking about How WB sees It. And to be honest i probably would do the same.
Imagine you being a leader of a máfia gang, and your friend is muedered and his people and family are now in comando of other really big family.
And your crew have you father, mother, cousins, siblings, friends, etc
Would you risk the life of the One you love so much for a vengence mission and free people ???
I 10000%doubt you would do this shit.