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I don't need to fall for something like that.

The society has failed because of communism and all the shit it brings.
Capitalism is not for soyboys or furrys.
Communism guess who created it. And capitalism in the current state isn't any better, and guess who created it.
Change your life, for the better, and everything will follow eventually in a larger scale :
Pure traditionalism as in the good use of reason, and true ascetism > All
Here we go again
Kill me with your political views as if each party has no flaws

Luffy needs to exist in our world and take over LMAO

Fallen Prince

I don't like women tbh, mental wise they'r too manipulative.
Them finding you attractive is the least of my issues, but once they are manipulative that is the case for most, i'm doomed.
I hate that, but i don't know how to fix. I can punch guys when i have issues, i can't find anything similar for women.
Depend whom you meet. There are woman who are stable minded dont put everyonecin same bunch.

I personally faced issue with manipulative woman but you need to set facts straight and dont fall into their traps get out from the relationship if you get into one.

I will say life partner is not mandatory but its good to have one. There are situation whe you are alone or need help they will be your guide. However i think you are young enjoy and focus on studies that should be first choice. You can settle in 40s as well.
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