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queen wont be hype bruh
1.3 bill sure thats cool, but u really gonna cap on queen being a cool match to see, if he had a better design and fruit sure, but all mans done is make cringe faces n das it, like hell mr 2 was a better intro then queen in alabasta, and jabra at least had a high doriki , cool design, queen doe, na fam mf aint it ?
even i know queen is the biggest fight sanji gon get, but dude aint it dawg,
I think Queen has still lots of things to show. Someone who controlled Big Mom is not an easy task.
wanze, wadatsumi or mr.2 fights were not that bad despite the lack of hype. Queen is the perfect opponent for Sanji imo, oda can add lot of fun elements also. Just want to say maybe Sanji will face Queen or not, but i don't think it's a good thing to say Queen is bad because if Sanji ends to fight him, that would be awkward for many people but i respect your pov about Queen :)
some mfs dont even want the rest of the SH to defeat f6 or a calamity because powerscaling
imagine luffy and zoro finishing kaido and big mom while brook & co are finishing irrelevant headliner, fuck this
Yeah lol
I hope the other sh gets amazing moments against them (f6/calamities) cause atm fighting wise at least it seems that Oda doesn't give a shit about the sh except for Luffy and Zoro :usoprice:
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