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Well, what to begin with... first is that Sanji has been quite useless almost all the time.
For example in pre-timskip Sanji's role was always to be the smart guy in the room who always thinks one step ahead.

Sanji saved the strowhats in Alabasta thanks to mister prince.

Sanji saved the strowhats in Enies Lobby by closing the gates.

In the same Enies Lobby Sanji came up with the plan of how to save Robin when both Luffy and Sanji were running around.

Sanji did the same thing in woter seven etc. I can go on and on...
But in post-timskip Sanji is useless, not in his usual way that he always was.

Sanji is portrayed to be weaker in post-timskip.

Sanji hasn't defeated anyone in new world whiteout his raid suit.
The raid suit makes Sanji's fighting style useless, now Sanji is all about thecno strength. Etc. It needs a lot more explanation than I can give you here.
And even after all that, never forget that Sanji's timeskip training was used as gag instead of some actually cool new stuff like all the other Straw Hats
Sanjiboys hates Zoro but secretly wants him to be like Zoro
Truer words have never been spoken. These guys wish Sanji was treated half as good as Zoro despite them pretending and claiming that they find Zoro off putting.

Their biggest claim to Sanji being powerful is riding on Zoro's coattail. They keep associating every feats Zoro gets to Sanji for whatever reasons.

Sanji was so weak in DR (neg diffed by Mingo) and throughout post skip in general that Oda had to pluck out a raid suit to make him relevant fighting wise again, yet during Dressrossa or throughout the entire post skip before RS, Sanji boys were still claiming that he's close to Zoro despite Sanji w/o the suit canonically being fodders to heavy hitters in the NW (Doflamingo, Vergo also humiliated him).

Problem is that some people just don't understand that Zoro and Sanji aren't Naruto and Sasuke written to be fighting rivals. Oda writes Zoro as a warrior with a goal to become the WSS. Fighting and strength is at the core of his character and theme. Sanji on the other hand is a cook that happens to be good at fighting so he helps when SH need muscles.

Doesn't make them similar. :kayneshrug:
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Skywalk ?
HM ?
CoO ?

Gags ?
It's not about what he got, but how he got them.

Imagine Zoro was absolute the same after the timeskip, but during the timeskip instead of being trained by Mihawk he got trained by a random ass gag character, like Hyouzou, even if Zoro was still strong and got all that shit during training, nobody would respect his training from a dude like that when Luffy got trained by the right hand man of Roger himself.

So that's what happens with Sanji, Zoro gets to train with the World Strongest Swordsman and Shank's Rival, Luffy gets to train with Dark King Rayleigh, and what Sanji gets? a bunch of Okama trying to sexually harass him while he keeps running away for two years...

And the worst part is that this fucking time with the Okamas is the setup for all the nose bleed sickness shit later on
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