Man, I have liked this chapter because "Luffy is MVP of this chapter" and it also showed how badass Luffy can be when he doesn't fuck around.....
Luffy can't remember the names of the people but he can remember the loyalty of the minks....."shishimaushi"...
Okay, now Oda should stop dickteasing and should have revealed here what exactly Luffy has told at that time?...I mean this was the perfect would have added more depth to the chapter and his character considering the chapter centered around him....
Ironic that Ace wanted to meet his father and at the same time hated him.....
Now, the supernova standoff is epic and lmao it is funny that both Kaido and BigMom just cared about Luffy than anything else in the panel...I don't look deep into the panel but atleast my boy Luffy got special attention...

...I will savor this until he gets crushed again...
Man this walk is badass....he simply ignored two emperors and to just check the state of Kinemon....walking past the emperors will remain as one of the badass moments of Luffy and the panel itself looking dope....
You know shit hits the fan when you can't see the Luffy's eyes....

....Luffy is very much level headed here...
Have to say, saying "I will being King of pirates" has more impact here compared to normal times...and it was dope because he said it just after punching Kaido to the ground....and that black silhouette of Luffy looked amazing
It is dope when you made both emperors shocked and angry with single punch....
Irony is that BigMom berating Kaido when she was literally rolled down by Robin, trolled by Brook
Oh, another thing....Marco did a great job sending Zoro to the top while stalling both King and all the folks, this doesn't indicate that Marco > King best he can stall for few seconds and this is noting new to the OnePiece...anyways I really feel sorry for calamity fans.....Jack is far better compared to both King and Queen, he remained as a threat/beast for most of the time...anyways as much as I don't like King, I hope he will get some dope feats in the upcoming chapters as he is a first mate of Kaido afterall.....
All in all 4.5/5 chapter (actually 3.5 chapter but 1 more point because we have reached 1000 chapters + Luffy wank)......anyways Luffy fans have good time for one or two weeks.....good that main event started....can't wait for chapter 1001...