Who Will Woronoa Woro One Shot Next?

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Xebec is Luffy but more fierce
Luffy isn't ruling over 3 top conquerors + teen kaido while Xebec did that
Even Roger only had top conqueror : ray and teen shanks...Oden for a year


Zoro Worshipper
Looks like only red roc did some reasonable damage to Kaido and based on info Luffy didn't use ryou on G4?...what the fuck is Luffy/Oda thinking?..:kaidowhat::lawsigh:
By Ryou you mean Flow haki?

Luffy can use common armament too but I doubt he can hurt Kaido with just that, unless it's something like a KKG eventually.
Cause that's his STYLE smartass
it doesn't matter if the other sword work or not, Zoro will put his all into his attacks... and his santoryu is his major fighting style...

And LASTLY, because you smartass forgot the fact that Ryuuma sword before, absorbed the two slashes from other swords and magnified it during Thriller Bark... which means, Swords can actually work together and deliver one BIG STRIKE instead of being 3 small strikes....
Enma itself absorbs Zoro's Ryuu and release it magnified, why wouldn't Zoro use the other two swords and combine the strength

Only a stupid fool would ignore their fighting style when a sword like Enma exist!
I didn't read monkey boy
Oh no koido gonna kill them like he killed the scabbards and big meme jokes appear in the manga now
Btw, Im sure some ppl here have pics already but are scared to share them. Well not like it matters when there is a 3rd break now, watch oda take a 4th one: this is my break the others were because of the magazine QQ


World's Strongest Swordsman
Zoro channeled his inner Kakashi with stealing Kinemon's technnique.
Now he is channeling his inner Bleach with the Zanpak---I mean, Enma statement.
What's next?
Is the eye another Naruto throwback being a Sharingan, or he is going for his inner Lelouch?
Possibilities, possibilities.

To think that all of this could be avoided by simply replacing that Enma crap with " >>>>>I, MYSELF<<<<< need to get stronger, so my blades can cut Kaido!"
Such a small difference in writing, but such a better meaning it would have. Would stay way better with his theme of getting stronger so he can be the WSS.

But nooooooooo, people like pretty one shot panels, so they accept these shitty developments like its a good thing, "BeCauSe NoW hE sTrOnK!"
Wado have good story.
He getting Sandai is one of the BEST scenes in entire One Piece. Such an awesome moment.
Yubashiri as a cool gift, a sword salesman recognizing Zoro as a TRUE swordsman, worth of taking yubashiri for free.
Shuusui was also cool. Dude fought the nerfed version of a legendary samurai zombie, and this very samurai also recognized Zoro as worth of taking Shuusui, a legendary blade.
Enma? Hyori asked pretty please I give you better sword.
He accepts it. Like he thinks its ok to hack his way to the top by simply getting better swords.
I will NEVER accept this crap. this crap is C-R-A-P.
Bu-Bu-But Enma cut Kaido.
So what?
Make your own legend.
Make Wado cut Kaido. you will have a blade as legendary as Oden's by doing it, but it will be your own.
Zoro cant even master Enma yet, and Oden used 2 Enmas since forever. What kind of crap is that?
Didn't Zoro achieved his own feats? Now he has to play catchup? dafuq is this shitty ass "to-do list before I take down Mihawk"?
Wado did cut kaido so did sandai so did enma
Onigiri is a 3 sword move
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