These people can't be serious.
Zoro said Daz Bones must be a swordsman, but Daz Bones refuses it. Just because you think a person must be a swordsman that doesn’t mean he is. Wait until how Oda shows Shanks actually fights before overrating your idol Zoro and Mihawk over Shanks. You just can't stop using Shanks and you can't stop acting like Oda as if you know better.
Shanks can do thousand different things and he can refuse being called swordsman like Daz did. He can even drop his sword like Pica and fight unarmed. Zoro fan arguments makes no sense as usual. They can't stop using that irrelevant tiny sword title to hype by using Shanks as if Shanks is confirmed as swordsman when he isn't.
Somehow they always use Shanks to hype Mihawk, but they can't use Mihawk's own feats, because it doesn't exists.