When you realize what Katakuri and Snaji have in common with CoO is that one can predict what someone's gonna say.. and another can sense and hear and pinpoint someone from a decent distance without even being able to actually hear them physically through his ears unless his CoO amplifies his ear/hearing ability.
just heard that the reclaimed water in US mostly in urban and some suburban cities doesn't filter and eliminate hormonal birth controls women excrete into the system of water reclamation.. which is as ubiquitous as a tap in a house for drinking
MMM.. SHP's will be sailing to an island parallel to Wano so basically this is the first time in OnePiece that we'll actually have no progress in Grand line besides Skypia
Now that i think about it "Winners don't need rationalizations" reminds me of Doffy's speech about how victor's decide fate, and victors redesign morality.
In essence Winner's don't need to rationalize... they become the moral and ideal yardstick to base rationalizations upon.
good and bad changes depending upon how victors purport to be objective morality.
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