Seeing some people running with Lucci being admiral level at this point lmao. I just dont understand why they cant just accept that a pirate captain> pirate subbordinate. Why do they want Zoro to be stronger then Luffy so badly lmao.
So I reread the Bakuya sword intro, and in that intro it was mentioned that Kanshou (the husband) was even more famous than Bakuya (the wife). Do you guys think Kou En will wield the Kanshou sword?
@TheKnightOfTheSea Ok no trolling this time the DLC actually straight up got added to the steam files today.
The size means it must be the DLC or at least something much bigger than the colosseums that they decided to call DLC (lol).
So development is now 100% finished and they've moved to QA. If we can just guess FromSoft's steam password we'd be able
to play the DLC today.
“Luffy was able to move his hands and eat before Kizaru could move” is objectively the funniest Yonko fan cope I’ve seen so far since Egghead started. Lmfao
I'm pretty sure we meet all of the Daughters of Chaos in the first game.
Quelaag, The Fair Lady, Quelana, The corpse watched by Ceaseless, The one outside the Bed of Chaos boss room, and the two other are parts of the Bed of Chaos.
I was just rewatching the Hawkshaw video on demon society, very interesting stuff.
@TheKnightOfTheSea I was shocked when there wasn't an ER DLC trailer in December.
Is FromSoft really about to make us wait 3 years post-launch for a DLC lol
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Shibasaku (old age)
Oukotsu (read @MarineHQ ‘s slander posts)
Koshou (killed by >X<)