Red Admiral Dec 24, 2020 btw ... things are as bad as it sound in England? how you guys are doing with the next covid ?
TheAncientCenturion Dec 4, 2020 Can you link me the Zoro vs Katakuri thread? Also stop insulting people or you’re gonna get banned.
P PeperLevi Nov 16, 2020
F Formerly Seth Oct 17, 2020 You are reading bc or just entered that spoilers thread to shat on Deku xD?
Elder Lee Hung Oct 13, 2020 Here you go man. Got those silly letters out of your Avy lol.
Fleet Leader Fenaker Oct 8, 2020 Lol each Kaido thread i found you fighting ppl about him using hostages 😆😆😆
P PeperLevi Oct 6, 2020
P PeperLevi Sep 30, 2020
D Dragomir Sep 27, 2020 Ha0 dawg, I know you're sick of that bumass Kuri tag. Might I interest you in VIP status?