So just to be clear, you think that if Aramaki was an independent combattant with no crew or allies, his bounty would be 2.5 billion, higher than Timeskip Yonko Blackbeard and more than half of Shanks’ bounty when Shanks has a whole crew and allies and the nation of Elbaf under him?
@ShishioIsBack Shanks & Mihawk being Vishnu and Shiva makes so much sense ...
I don't know if Oda originally intended for this but after Zoro using Asura this is clearly on the pictrue
2 videos is coming :)
I'll give it to you, I have to admit how impressive it is for Shanks to stand in front of 2 admirals and surrounded by numbers casually showing no concern while releasing kizaru who was being held hostage.
I'd say it's almost on par with Kaidou's presence.
Oh snap, so you're Rocks Review on YouTube lmao? I subscribed to you a while back but didn't know that was you until now xD. But nice seeing a huge YT enthusiast here in this forum beside me.
Does it depress you to know that Shanks is a coward who never goes anywhere without his crew to babysit him, while Ryokugyu would’ve solo’d an alliance that killed both of Shanks’ superiors?
Beckman and Yasopp are both marksmen, but Beckman is stronger than Yasopp despite Yasopp obviously being the more skilled marksman. Reminds me of a similar dynamic between two other characters
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