Is this the biggest single-chapter demolition of a character & fandom?

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Right but Whitebeard didn't have a fleet until his late 40s - early 50s.
Shiki didn't have a fleet until his mid 40s.

Within confines of OP-verse we shouldn't be expecting a fleet from , law and kid, until they are atleast in their 30s and atleast a decade as a pirate
We didnt expect a fleet for SH when Dressrosa started and we got some. The fact is luffy got one and that matters in the universe. Bounty are reputation and a Fleet is something that scares people and many places. Kidd and Law didnt have that and Buggy had even tho in his own clown way,
Teach will need something to boost his bounty and that would definitely do it.

Teach left Marineford with Whitebeard dead, and the Prisoners. Teach leaving egghead with Saturn dead and a Poneglyph reader will be perfect for him.
Nah. Oda has already done that. Shanks and Teach probably won't get another new bounty and it's perfect since both are neck n neck already.
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