Speculations Your biggest storyline/content wishes for the remainder of the series

We certainly have a ways to go with One Piece (anywhere from 5-10 years or more according to Oda now), but I just wanted to talk about people's expectations for the endgame. We still got a 1+ years likely for Wano but I think now is a good time to talk about what you want for Wano and the remainder of the series. I'll start:

- Major fights for all 10 Strawhats including at Wano

- The crew to be effectively complete after Wano

- The Rocks plot to tie into more than just Kaido/Linlin. Basically for Shanks/Blackbeard to be the continuation of that plot (my guesses are the actual son and living will of Rocks respectively)

- Shanks playing a bigger role than just a "chill" mentor. No Davy Back Fight bs. I want actual emotional plot stemming from him having goals that don't exactly align with Luffy. This also includes not being killed by Blackbeard. Not a fan.

- Elbaf to serve as the last major Adventure island in the series. When I mean adventure, I am talking about something that really brings back the wonder and sense of adventure like Skypiea. Read the 250's and you see what I mean. I want Elbaf to be a massive arc that not only ties giants, but ties the ancient weapons, the giant tree to sky islands, the moon (Enel returning), etc and more and really be about answering what the one piece world is in its entirety. Just something mindblowing after waiting 20 years for it. I am assuming Urogue is part of this arc only because its the most logical place for him to be involved at this time.

- On the flipside, if Oda is in fact making a Vegapunk centric arc, I want it be centered on answering a lot of lingering questions that have nothing to do with the actual mystery of One piece/Laugh Tale. Essentially these are the entirety of Devil Fruits explained, the improved Pacifista, Kuma's motivations, potentially Dragon's own motivations if the Revolutionaries are tied to it all. Other things include Vegapunk's allegiance, how the SSG factor into everything, I assume Bonney would be the Supernova central to the arc.

- Reveals for CP-0 and other members of the World Government (there are clearly more than just the Gorosei and Kong)

- The "Zodiac" Admiral idea to be true/real.

- The SSG to be legitimate Shichibukai replacements as powerhouses (not just smart). Queen/Judge are hints to them being strong this way

- The "Silver Medalists" that escaped Impel Down after Blackbeard finally factoring into the story. I have a general theory that these were former Rocks pirates who refused to side with Blackbeard. Last we heard, they were all convened to a single location according to Jean Ango at Dressrosa.

- The Underworld having its continued or final relevance in the story. I assume Oda introduced the Emperors to play roles in the future.

- The crew to reach Lodestar, the physical end of the journey geographically, before going to Laugh Tale. Irregardless of length or importance, I just think its vital it happens as it was important for Luffy to reach the midway point around chapter 493. We are now double that length and no signs to reaching that point yet, and even beyond this you have Laugh Tale and potentially the Final War

- The Final War being multi structured and taking place after Luffy discovers One Piece (or Blackbeard, who knows what Oda is going to do here). By this i mean it taking place on the Marine Frontline (Luffy + Allies v. Akainu/Marines), then Mariejois/Fishman Island (Strawhats +Allies/Revolutionaries vs. CP-0/Kong/Gorosei/Im , then finally whereever the final battles take place (I've been imagining God Valley being the true endgame location and it being a 3 way battle between the Strawhat Pirates, Red Haired Pirates, and Blackbeard Pirates, all considering their core crew members seem to amount to 11 people. Well for Shanks its 10, but if you include Mihawk......). According to Oda, when One Piece was originally a 5 year plan, the final conflict/arc was supposed to be a whopping 3 years out of the 5! (I'd source this but literally the interview comes from APForum's Oda Interviews thread but that side is constantly down, so if anyone can find an alternative that'd be cool).

Just a (few) of the things I'm expecting/hope for based on what Oda has laid out in his series. I think regardless its going to be an exciting time moving forward
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We certainly have a ways to go with One Piece (anywhere from 5-10 years or more according to Oda now), but I just wanted to talk about people's expectations for the endgame. We still got a 1+ years likely for Wano but I think now is a good time to talk about what you want for Wano and the remainder of the series. I'll start:

- Major fights for all 10 Strawhats including at Wano

- The crew to be effectively complete after Wano

- The Rocks plot to tie into more than just Kaido/Linlin. Basically for Shanks/Blackbeard to be the continuation of that plot (my guesses are the actual son and living will of Rocks respectively)

- Shanks playing a bigger role than just a "chill" mentor. No Davy Back Fight bs. I want actual emotional plot stemming from him having goals that don't exactly align with Luffy. This also includes not being killed by Blackbeard. Not a fan.

- Elbaf to serve as the last major Adventure island in the series. When I mean adventure, I am talking about something that really brings back the wonder and sense of adventure like Skypiea. Read the 250's and you see what I mean. I want Elbaf to be a massive arc that not only ties giants, but ties the ancient weapons, the giant tree to sky islands, the moon (Enel returning), etc and more and really be about answering what the one piece world is in its entirety. Just something mindblowing after waiting 20 years for it. I am assuming Urogue is part of this arc only because its the most logical place for him to be involved at this time.

- On the flipside, if Oda is in fact making a Vegapunk centric arc, I want it be centered on answering a lot of lingering questions that have nothing to do with the actual mystery of One piece/Laugh Tale. Essentially these are the entirety of Devil Fruits explained, the improved Pacifista, Kuma's motivations, potentially Dragon's own motivations if the Revolutionaries are tied to it all. Other things include Vegapunk's allegiance, how the SSG factor into everything, I assume Bonney would be the Supernova central to the arc.

- Reveals for CP-0 and other members of the World Government (there are clearly more than just the Gorosei and Kong)

- The "Silver Medalists" that escaped Impel Down after Blackbeard finally factoring into the story. I have a general theory that these were former Rocks pirates who refused to side with Blackbeard. Last we heard, they were all convened to a single location according to Jean Ango at Dressrosa.

- The Underworld having its continued or final relevance in the story. I assume Oda introduced the Emperors to play roles in the future.

- The crew to reach Lodestar, the physical end of the journey geographically, before going to Laugh Tale. Irregardless of length or importance, I just think its vital it happens as it was important for Luffy to reach the midway point around chapter 493. We are now double that length and no signs to reaching that point yet, and even beyond this you have Laugh Tale and potentially the Final War

- The Final War being multi structured and taking place after Luffy discovers One Piece (or Blackbeard, who knows what Oda is going to do here). By this i mean it taking place on the Marine Frontline (Luffy + Allies v. Akainu/Marines), then Mariejois/Fishman Island (Strawhats +Allies/Revolutionaries vs. CP-0/Kong/Gorosei/Im , then finally whereever the final battles take place (I've been imagining God Valley being the true endgame location and it being a 3 way battle between the Strawhat Pirates, Red Haired Pirates, and Blackbeard Pirates, all considering their core crew members seem to amount to 11 people. Well for Shanks its 10, but if you include Mihawk......). According to Oda, when One Piece was originally a 5 year plan, the final conflict/arc was supposed to be a whopping 3 years out of the 5! (I'd source this but literally the interview comes from APForum's Oda Interviews thread but that side is constantly down, so if anyone can find an alternative that'd be cool).

Just a (few) of the things I'm expecting/hope for based on what Oda has laid out in his series. I think regardless its going to be an exciting time moving forward
Don't forget about the Void Century as well.
Don't forget about the Void Century as well.
I left out a lot of the obvious things (like what One Piece is, Void Century, addressing Noah/Fishman Island, etc) cause these factor into the final plot anyway, and Oda consistently reminds us that Joy Boy, etc exist, so I have no worries about that.

These are things I want that somewhat only have a chance of actually happening, and aren't really guaranteed. Most of what I want is set up by the story in someway or hinted at, but by no means happening 100%

For example, Shanks and Blackbeard being tied to Rocks. Shanks is the same age as the God Valley incident. Roger has implied having Shanks since he was a baby (maybe even Buggy). Teach having a ship named after Rocks. The ties to Rocks aren't guaranteed, but seem to be hinted at. Or Mihawk allying with Shanks due to losing his position as Shichibukai and having no other pirate associations otherwise. Things like that.
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Anything that's a mystery, I want to know the answer to. I'm like a Robin type. Will of D, joy boy, void century, Imu & World Government, one piece, final war, vegapunk, voice of all things, devil fruits, poneglyphs. And I want to know what justifies Luffy being so special to be a D, King conquerors, and hear the voice of all things, other than obviously being the main character, that is, what makes him the main character in the story other than loving adventure, and I honestly expect a good reason for it from Oda. Why was Roger too early? The adventure is too grand not to have a satisfying conclusion. Generally speaking, I'd love more character moments.

Other "wishes":

Destruction of the Red line is a brilliant idea and I hope Oda does that or something better.

Strawhats plan to take another adventure to visit Enel on the moon, also something cool I've heard.

IMU is IMMORTAL. Law reverses the surgery.

Vivi is alive.

Dragon has someone else significant in his army besides Sabo. Dragon has a Storm Fruit.

Vegapunk reveal is crucial to the final war.

I want the Supernovas to be significant & present in the epilogue in some way.

I don't think any of the present power structures should be in place if One Piece is a "world reset" like I suspect it is. That means goodbye admirals, yonko, world government in general.

We also can't have a Game of Thrones situation where One piece just rushed and ruined, so I'd like him to take his time telling the story.

Finally, I'd like for the story to be finished. Fans of HxH or the like know what I mean.
-Seeing all Rocks pirates in Kaido's flashback(give me a double spread).

-The "Zodiac" Admiral idea to be true/real

-Powerful fighters from kingdoms/conutries that are under WG,on their side at the final war against the SHs and their allies

-SNs crew's being more flashed out and also some infamous NW pirates to join each crew(minus the SHs who are overpowered)

-More info about lvl 6 prisoners that didn't join BB

-Info about those underworld brokers from PH.
-Seeing all Rocks pirates in Kaido's flashback(give me a double spread).

-The "Zodiac" Admiral idea to be true/real

-Powerful fighters from kingdoms/conutries that are under WG,on their side at the final war against the SHs and their allies

-SNs crew's being more flashed out and also some infamous NW pirates to join each crew(minus the SHs who are overpowered)

-More info about lvl 6 prisoners that didn't join BB

-Info about those underworld brokers from PH.
If you read my other thread I just posted, Shanks may actually have ties (i.e. is the one in control) to the whole Underworld network, which is why Oda involves them every arc like CP-0 or the Revolutionary Army ;)

The rest i think we are certainly seeing, in fact, I think the Impel Down escapees that didn't join Blackbeard are actually a band of Former Rocks pirates.

Oda's just been waiting to finish Wano to really dive deep into these characters/plotlines imo
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The Road To Harmony
Strawhat Pirates vs Blackbeard Pirates

Teach's past

Issho's past

G-5 confronts the Strawhats

Vegapunk's reveal and revelations

Kuzan's motives revealed

Smoker's and Tashigi's pasts

More Zoro background

The truths found on the Rio Poneglyphs

SWORD's goals and formation revealed

Truth about the Ds

Who or what is Im

More on Shanks' and Mihawk's background

Sakazuki's relationship and past with Dragon

What Dragon knows about the WG

There's a few more, but these are just some of the ones that come to mind.
- Big Meme and the Meme Team being put out of our misery.
- Crocodile, Blackbeard, and the Admirals’ flashbacks/backstories, the Legends as well if possible, but wouldn’t be surprised if Oda ignores that last one.
- Gin’s return. :josad:
- See how the world views the Marines since Akainu took over.
- The Ancient Weapons.
- Full story of the Void Century.
Ragnarok and Elbaf's role are perhaps the thing i wait for the most.

All the parallels between Im/Ymir and Giants/Jötunn were perfectly summed up here.


It was strange that Elbaf got introduced as the world strongest military and was left alone ever since, like it was prepared for someone to utilize its army against another superpower.

I mean, what other OP organization is powerful enough to require the strongest army in the world to bring it down? The emperors are out of question since they're going down by the Worst Generation.

It's heavily foreshadowed that the giant strawhat in Pangea Castle belongs to Joy Boy, the owner of Laugh Tale's treasure, which likely confirms that he's a giant too. I think the time he spent from the end of the Void century to writing his apology on Fishman Island's Poneglyph hints that he was 100+ years old. The sight of giants climbing the Red Line to attack Mary Geoise accompanied by the fact that making allies is deemed to be the most fearsome ability, inclines me to say that the warriors of Elbaf are saved for a big endgame confrontation with the SSG.

It wouldn't only mean the World Government would meet their demise by the most ironic way possible (by the same race of Joy Boy) 800 years later, but also it makes sense knowing that Elbaf and its giants have been tricked and humiliated by the WG multiple times.

They tricked Omiio and Kashi to guard Enies Lobby for 50 years in exchange for "freeing" their captains, already have hostile relationships with giants since they tried to execute their warriors publicly, worked with the underworld broker Mountain Witch Carmel and payed her in full to recruit giant kids and strengthen their military. Elbaf is also one of the rare independent powerful countries that don't pay the heavenly tribute for World Nobles.

This is where Mihawk's speech comes into play, he admired Luffy's extraordinary gift to recruit allies. It would be remarkable to see that end of story, instead of Loki marrying Lola and helping the wrong side (Big Mom) they will help the good side and have their army used to its full potential.

Not really an important thing but i noticed Carmel's words when she saved those several pirate giants who terrorized the world at the execution stage by warning the Marines of Elbaf's wrath. "they will swear revenge against humanity" and they immediately released them, but didn't release Ace even knowing that Whitebeard would come to save him. Goes to show how prominent of a stakeholder Elbaf is.

Yeah, Elbaf's endgame plot is definitely the thing i wait for the most.
Gotta say, I think the thing that excites me the most are the potential big character designs still left in the series

- Vegapunk
- The SSG members
- Marine Science Division members in general
- CP-0 identities
- World Government Operatives (not CP-0 but also under Kong)
- Im
- "Zodiac" Vice Admirals (7 Remaining if they exist)
- Ryokugyuu
- Underworld Operatives (assuming they come into play in the EoS; especially those shown at Punk Hazard)
- Rocks pirates (Rocks, Shiki, Ochoku, Silver Axe, whomever else)
- Silver Medalist escapees from Impel Down
- Blackbeard's last crew member
- Shanks' crew (really just their names and full designs/importance)
- Loki/Elbaf warriors/Sky Island/Moon Characters.
-Allying/Enemy Kingdoms with potentially awesome characters (i expect the final war to be pretty massive in scope)

So much potential for awesome stuff going on after Wano. Honestly haven't been this excited in a long time
- Yamato joins the crew in Wano and after that (no matter who actually ends up joining) Oda officially declares that "the main crew is now completed".

- Law and his crew part ways with Straw Hats. Kinemon and Momo part way with Straw Hats. Minks part way with Straw Hats. After Wano, it's only Straw Hats' adventure again, no temporary passengers anymore, no separation for years anymore.

- A relaxing arc where Luffy and his crew now meets again with Buggy and his crews. Screw Foxy, Buggy is funnier than Foxy.


The final arc to not be another be another Onigashima-style raid but something more creative

Elbaf to not get skipped over

Supernovas to have full character arcs

Big Mom and Kaido to be done and out of the story after Wano

Luffy's enemies should not join him (like in Naruto) just because of Luffy's charisma. I hope the final war isn't a World Government vs Luffy's acquaintances kind of situation where Luffy's old enemies suddenly join him. It would be especially bad if Shichibukai enemies and Yonko are aiding Luffy in the Final War.