
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
The Darksign represents Gwyn’s attempts to repress humanity’s spreading darkness via a Seal of Fire, but in his attempt to repress humanity, he gave humanity the means to persevere and ultimately end the reign of Gwyn’s regime of Gods (the Undead Curse).
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
For the past year, I have borderline obsessively researched Dark Souls lore because I think this shit is incredible lol.
Uncle Van
Uncle Van
The gods represent virtue. Humans represent greed, lust, envy etc. That's why Velka and Frampt are all about sinning and ended the age of gods. Let's not forget that Gwyn gave up his life to extend his age and Artorias is just a hero incarnate.
I have learned one thing about Dark Souls: To learn more about the lore, you have to read every single "hidden" detail throughout the game, either with items or with other short descriptions. That's an amazing design decision as you literally force the players to think smart to find out more details about the lore, they won't simply clap it through your face, you have to find it out by yourself.
Uncle Van
Uncle Van
That's one of the reasons I love DS gameplay wise. It gives you many paths to take but it's up to you to choose which and find out whether it was a good decision the hard way. Getting flashbacks to going to the Catacombs at the start of DS1
> Getting flashbacks to going to the Catacombs at the start of DS1

Perfectly sums up me at the beginning how I thought this is the next area, then I was surprised why enemies were this powerful. Btw, I already finished DS3 and Bloodborne there lol, so I had some bit of experience when it comes to Soulsborne games.
Uncle Van
Uncle Van
DS1 was my first souls game and it made me drop the game for months lol. Thought it was really cheap cause it never crossed my mind to go towards right to the hollow soldiers
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
There is no greater satisfaction in gaming than replaying a Dark Souls game for the fifth time and noticing a detail you’ve never seen even after 150 hours of gameplay. Lol
DS3 was my first souls game and honestly, I thought about immediately dropping this game when Ludex Gundyr kicked my ass 10x. But then I defeated him and found out the true beauty of soulsborne games.
Uncle Van
Uncle Van
Details like the Old Hero in Demon Souls being blind so you creep up on him for free hits if you don't run or roll much
@Fleet Admiral Lee Hung I had this kind of experience with my second playthrough of Bloodborne when I actually found out that crow enemies actually had a dog head... Yeah, that was disturbing lmao. It's even surprising that you find new details about enemy designs.
Uncle Van
Uncle Van
@Sentinel favorite detail in Bloodborne is Vicar Ameila. If you knock her health down low and fast enough, she falls on her back and starts praying. If you listen closely when she's attacking, she's screaming "STOOOOP!!" She was self aware the whole time and we slaughtered her
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
The point where I realized I love these games’ stories was when I found out that Pontiff Sulyvahn had deliberately gone out of his way to reclassify Gwendolyn as the Darkmoon “Captain” instead of God, showing how Sulyvahn was making a deliberate attempt to recategorize the old gods as simple royalty rather than actual Gods. That shit is almost too brilliant for a video game lol
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
But still the most memorable Dark Souls experience for me was when the Tomb of the Giants had broken the way of white and made two of their followers go Hollow lol. I did not at all expect the story to get that dark.
Sulyvahn was a psychopath along with Aldrich, so it doesn't wonder me.
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
Yeah you can kill that thing, I did it on one of my NG+ runs but the rewards are weak. Lol
I also managed to kill it with a bow. But I sure died a few times trying to kill that worm.
Uncle Van
Uncle Van
Notice the utter lack of DS2 talk
Well DS2 is non canon and I never played it lol.