They only showed fights that have already concluded, little crayon-eating zorofanboy. The Saturn fight (Sanji included) is still ongoing
Be glad they didn't show Zolo failing to draw blood against much for being able to cut anything with his microCoC
At the 00:58 - 01:00 mark of the new OP, we can see a clear depiction of how Zoro has been left behind Luffy and Sanji
Oda was feeling very generous to the downtrodden and poverty stricken of the world this holiday season. While the rest of us are fortunate to be spending time with family, opening presents, and enjoying life, wise old Oda Clause knew that Zoroaches, subhumans that they are, have none of these...
The guillotine is too good for the CDs and their fanboys.
every single NTRsubhuman CD deserves to the most excruciatingly long and painful death imaginable.
absolute garbage.
Well at least now we know why Ledon and the Arab leakers were so late this time around. Too busy jerking their microdicks off to celestial dragon Charloss gangbang fanfic
zolo has a microCoC
Fact: Zolo was willing to cut his own legs off (and abandon his supposed dream, as well as his duty to Luffy) thanks to Mr 3 back in Little Garden
Though I understand that none of the smelly unwashed zolocucks here were alive pre-timeskip, much less being capable of reading...
Another lame zolowspermcount shitpost trying to force 'stare diff' into a thing. It's not. The only thing getting 'stare diffed' is a mirror when a zorocuck's dysgenic hideous face breaks it into pieces
The trembling zoroach shakes in fear at… paragraphs and words with more than 2 syllables. If it isn’t a braindead shitpost imported from twitter filled with zoomer wannabe-ebonics and emojis, then it might as well be ancient hieroglyphics to you.
Zoroaches are panicking: the realision has hit them that Sanji's incredible upgrades are permanent buffs and even then he still has exponentially more room for growth. Meanwhile Zolo's already maxed out, and his hopes lie solely in hoping to get more hand-me-down magic haki-infused swords from...
All these mindbroken incel porn-addicts DESPERATELY fantasising about Kuma being a cuck or Bonney being born from a celestial dragon gangbang. It’s so annoyingly pathetic.
Is it because KumaGOAT taking the “Nothing Happened” pain weekly makes their boy look less impressive?
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