1. Blackbeard--he's had a huge effect on the world in a brief period of time
2. Buggy--he attracts people without even meaning to
3. Whitebeard--he was a badass for decades
4. Blackbeard or Whitebeard--they look the most like pirates
5. Big Mom--her DF is somehow more terrifying than...
:cheers:This is great! Thank you for all of this.
Hopefully, we'll get an update on Drake soon, maybe as he gets back to SWORD. I love your idea of a Supernova alliance, and that's absolutely something Oda would do for the final war.
1. Will Dragon appear? NO
2. If Dragon does appear, will he shows Adv CoC? NO
3. Will we see Garp fighting the Blackbeard Pirates? YES
4. Will we go back to Egghead Island? NO
5. If we do go back to Egghead Island, will we see York? YES
6. Will we see the Strawhats? NO
7. Will we go back to...
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