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  1. dar

    One Piece Manga Spoilers - Chapter 957

    early spoilers ha...that's great! bounty hypes...but I need war firstly :)
  2. dar

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 956: Big News

    hey guys! what do you think when will Luffy learn about the NEWS and how will his reaction be to it?
  3. dar

    Current Events Blackbeard going for 'That thing'

    @Reborn Maybe I'm getting it wrong but everyone reads the newspaper, so oda makes me think bb talks about Sabo like he did on last chapter after orochi knows all the plan then he showed us Law(made me think Law traitor). by that way, bb is absolutely coward I'm not saying he's not powerful(he...
  4. dar

    Current Events Blackbeard going for 'That thing'

    I think that thing is sabo's df! but why is he obsessed with it? darkness vs fire? for me darkness vs light (kizaru) is more suitable!
  5. dar

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 956: Big News

    for coby, boa is like sister in law :) bad news for kuja tribe; all men are not like Luffy :(
  6. dar

    One Piece Manga Spoilers - Chapter 956

    but then, what will the purpose?
  7. dar

    One Piece Manga Spoilers - Chapter 956

    is wano where the biggest war will occur? minks, pirates, samurais, ninjas, civilians, yonkos, wg, marines? where is the giants and oar types?
  8. dar

    Current Events So who is going to get Nidai Kitetsu?

    all kitetsu's will be Zoro's! you'll say how about wado? what if kuina is not dead or zoro become wss.. he does not need it anymore ;) sword is weak or not..if it breaks the blame goes for its owner (if user has haki)
  9. dar

    Current Events Who you wish as Brook's opponent? Apo is the most suiteable opponent for him.

    Apo is warm up or not.. it's dependent to Kid's intent.. I think he will not get in this big war.. but brook will show us some guts.. I think he'll fight against to one of BM's crew... if C.smootie was not SG I'd choose her.. brook has no juice for her :) even she has a panty :)
  10. dar

    Current Events Who you wish as Brook's opponent? Apo is the most suiteable opponent for him.

    Kid! that was exactly an ambush! Apo is Kaido's man and pay for what happened to Kid's crew especially to Killer!
  11. dar

    General & Others General Anime Thread

    yeah, luffy's covered punch did nt work on him :( I'm surprised. batman is over-level on ordinary headliner. :) it looks like we will see more match-ups.. oda'll draw a match about batman vs a mink :)
  12. dar

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 955: Enma

    why oda uses the numbers? has it a value? there are options as coc(like fishmen arc), df(like robin, alot of arm leg), power lvl(sanji=1000men), "O-tama"(she'll make allies) but pls someone translate law's kanji :( is he traitor? helll no
  13. dar

    Spoiler One Piece Manga Spoiler - Chapter 954

    wano is land of legendary swords :) where is the other sword of oden?
  14. dar

    show must go on

    thanks dude :)
  15. dar

    Spoiler One Piece Manga Spoiler - Chapter 954

    at the end of wano arc, blackbeard comes and pick up all devil fruits :) hahahaha:cheers::cheers::cheers:
  16. dar

    show must go on

    thank you :) :) your red feathers are like rose petals
  17. dar

    show must go on

    thank you :) we'll see each other more and more mate :)
  18. dar

    show must go on

    thank you @Zoro ; would you want to share your surname before it revealed? :) I'll do @TheAncientCenturion :) keyboard knights :) I feel like I came to party with goblets :) thank you @playa4321
  19. dar

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 953: Once Upon a Fox

    posibility of can it be nidai kitetsu=enma?
  20. dar

    show must go on

    you can be sure I'm very well :) bon appetit @Kingslayer