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    Future Events Chapter 1000 prediction thread

    I think Act 3 will end with Chapter 1000.
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    Current Events One piece ending in 4 years confirmed

    Idk, I'm skeptical. Given Oda's incredibly slow pacing at times, and breaks every 2-4 weeks, I don't see us advancing enough in 4-5 years to cover everything in the story adequately. Just to get an idea, 4 years ago we were at Luffy vs Cracker. 5 Years ago was the beginning of Zou. Now, I mean a...
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    Great chapter, I knew Drake would end up fighting with the alliance, but I didn't think it would happen this soon. Really curious as to who Hawkins is referring to in his prediction. I personally think it might be a Scabbard or Law. I'm waiting for the tide to turn against the alliance. It has...
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    Future Events Will Luffy surpassing Kaidou become the start of Luffy being portrayed by narrative as a top fighter?

    Well he isn't taking Kaido out on his own. I think Luffy, Kidd, Killer, Zoro, the Scabbards, will all play a role in taking him down. My personal prediction is that both Big Mom and Kaido will fall in this arc through outside circumstances. Grand Fleet, Marines, Redhair pirates coming in idk. I...
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 989 Spoilers Discussion

    That last page with all the strawhats sounds hype as hell.
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    The baiting Room

    Sanji vs King is Vince tier booking, so yeah I can see it.
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    The baiting Room

    They still sucked even when they were doing chapters weekly. I'll never forget "Vice Admiral Maynard, feel the pain of Sabo and Issho's victory!" Their translation issues were shitty, and hilarious, but they always published the chapters first so we put up with it.
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 987 Spoilers Discussion

    Looks like scabbards vs Kaido, Luffy vs Big Mom, and Yamato vs Ulti next chapter.
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    The baiting Room

    Dora will lead us to the spoilers only for Swiper to snatch them away at the last second.
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    General & Others Next Strawhat Crew Members and the Grand Fleet

    I think it would be awesome if Yamato joined, however I don't think she'll join the actual crew. I think she might just be added to the grand fleet. We'll have to just have to wait and see what Oda does with her.
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 986 Spoilers Discussion

    Act 3 will end after the alliance suffers an overwhelming defeat, i.e. is captured. Then ACT 4 brings in the grand fleet, Drake calls in the marines, etc.
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 986 Spoilers Discussion

    Everyone is downplaying the scabbards man. They're stronger than people think, even Oden said "Don't underestimate my samurai" in the flashback. Don't worry next chapter Kaido will easily gain the upper hand. In fact I think the scabbards suffering a heavy loss is the reason the editor cried.
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 986 Spoilers Discussion

    Wow pretty crazy spoilers. Pound got dumped, I’d laugh if I actually cared about this cover story. Kinda disappointed we didn’t get to see the Kanjuro fight and how that went down, that would have been a great moment for character building. I was happy to see Luffy let the scabbards have their...
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    The baiting Room

    I do think it would be fun for the chapter to just drop without spoilers having been let out. Only time that's ever happened from memory was the chapter when Sabo was found alive, and that was because providers deliberately withheld them.
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    The baiting Room

    If these are true, I don't see what the big emotional moment is. Kanjuro being a triple agent? If I'm reading that correctly, can't tell from google's translations. Momo dying through Luffy's Future Sight?
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    The baiting Room

    Man everyone's making it seem like this chapter is Strawhats saying goodbye to the Going Merry emotional. I hope it delivers, but I highly doubt it will at least for me.
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    The baiting Room

    Momo: *crying* "I want to open the borders of Wano!" Editors: *teary eyed* So emotional. Readers: Yeah... it's not like this saying has been drilled into our head 8000 times this arc.
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    The baiting Room

    This seems like too much info for one chapter, so I'm gonna say fake. If it's real though Luffy bout to get smacked again next week.
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 985 Spoilers Discussion

    Even after seeing the panel I still don't fully believe Orochi is dead. I think he'll show back up sometime down the line. Also, it looks like the Yamato for nakama train is running at full steam after this chapter.
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 985 Spoilers Discussion

    Man, now I really feel like Yamato's going to join the crew.