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    General & Others Oda's Obsession With Originality and Shockvalue And Why The Story Suffers

    If Oda was writing EL like Wano, there would be far, far, FAR more focus on the side characters. Which is my main issue with Post timeskip One Piece. The Strawhats now are basically sideline characters, in comparison to the arc specific side characters. When's the last time my favorite...
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    What an epic chapter man. Ashura Zoro returns, and it is awesome. And getting an explanation for Advanced CoC. Great shit Oda, enjoy your break.
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1010 Spoilers Discussion

    With Kidd taking on Big Mom and Luffy taking on Kaido. I think my theory of Kidd and Luffy replacing them as official Yonko after this arc is going to come true.
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1010 Spoilers Discussion

    How the hell does Advanced CoC even work? You just assert your willpower into the attack? I really don't like these saiyan like powerups Oda is giving Luffy.
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1010 Spoilers Discussion

    Luffy, yes. Zoro, yes. Sanji??? Da fuck you smoking?
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1010 Spoilers Discussion

    Ending was confusing, so Luffy figured out that Kaido imbued his attacks with CoC. That's interesting.
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    Speculations Wano Will END In 2022?

    We have 2 chapters left until we reach 100 chapters in Wano. At that point it will officially surpass Dressrosa as the longest arc in One Piece. Given Oda's slow pacing and that we haven't reached the 'low point' yet. I think we have like 40-50ish chapters left in this arc. Which would probably...
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    Questions & Mysteries Dumbest One Piece Theories You've Ever Heard/Seen

    Back when Dressrosa was releasing weekly almost everyone believed that Kaido is Meadows in disguise. It had to have been the dumbest theory I'd ever heard. Their reasoning was that Kaido wanted the Mera Mera no mi, but didn't want to reveal himself. I was like, the man is a Yonko, he could...
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    The tide is definitely turning next chapter or in a few chapters. Oda has spent too much time making the Yonko look like fools, I suspect they get serious next chapter and start beating the Supernovas.
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1001 Spoilers Discussion

    You guys really need to learn the difference between between someone complimenting someone elses abilities and actually doing damage to them.
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1001 Spoilers Discussion

    Man you guys get too caught up in early battle portrayals. Kidd will get his time to shine, he may not be as strong as Luffy, but he'll have his time to show what he can do against Kaido.
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    One Piece Chapter 1000: Straw Hat Luffy

    Eh I would hold back on saying Luffy is Yonko level. I don't think he's that strong yet, otherwise I mean how else can he grow from here on out? Right now I'd probably place him around Admiral level. He's a top tier, but not top of the top tier yet. I could see Luffy getting a good beat down...
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    One Piece Chapter 1000: Straw Hat Luffy

    Not a bad chapter at all easily a 10/10. But as a chapter 1000? Idk I was kinda hoping for something more.
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 997 Spoilers Discussion

    Holy shit Kaido. I need to see what this Island carrying shit looks like. Guess he's the world's strongest creature for a reason. Also nice to see Zoro finally doing something serious for once. Also nice to see Luffy approaching floor 4, it looks like the floors really are a plot device and...
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    Lol this thread is reaching peak OJ with the amount of power level scaling and blatant head canon based character wanking. Shit is hilarious.
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    Luffy and Zoro will both get the chance to fight him. Luffy didn’t gain advanced CoA, and his statement “I can break Kaido’s scales” for nothing. I think Zoro will also get a chance due to wielding Enma and causing Kaido to remember and fear that blade. However I believe Luffy will get the final...
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    The baiting Room

    X Drake is now team Luffy, we're potentially getting Drake and Zoro vs Apoo and Queen, Jack is down, Kinemon cut Kaido's boro breath.
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    The baiting Room

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    The baiting Room

    Man, I hope Oda is doing ok, take all the time you need to get better.
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    The baiting Room

    If there's a break this week we sure as hell are not getting to chapter 1000 this year.