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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1019 Spoilers Discussion

    Similar to Dressrosa it seems Oda is concluding one fight per chapter, Who's Who, last chapter, and now Sasaki. I guess we'll get Black Maria next, then a few chapters of Queen vs Sanji, then a few chapters of Zoro vs King.
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1019 Spoilers Discussion

    It was also nice to see some nice CoO feats from Sanji. Casually dodging Queen's attacks.
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1019 Spoilers Discussion

    YO! Franky Hype!!! :fransuper: :fransuper:
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    The baiting Room

    Everything stagnates post timeskip. The arcs got twice as long, with twice as many side characters we don't care about. I wish I could somehow telepathically communicate with Oda "We don't care about the Scabbards, we only care about the Strawhats."
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    The baiting Room

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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1018 Spoilers Discussion

    Who's Who ain't done yet. Ancient Zoan's are known for their durability, he'll be back up.
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1018 Spoilers Discussion

    *Gets home from work* *Notices 1018 discussion only has 64 pages of discussion, 6 hours after spoilers release* Me: "This is a garbage tier chapter isn't it?" Reads spoilers: "yep"
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    The baiting Room

    Pure Tama and fodder chapter + break? I can't imagine it being worse than that.
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    The baiting Room

    This is simultaneously a 1/10 chapter and an 11/10 chapter.
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    The baiting Room

    I'm guessing either the raid failed and Act 3 ends, or Oda did something incredibly dumb (I honestly wouldn't rule that out).
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    The baiting Room

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    The baiting Room

    Like 3-4 hours from now.
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    The baiting Room

    End of Act 3?
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1017 Spoilers Discussion

    Did Queen just transform into Doctor Octopus?
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1017 Spoilers Discussion

    I'm curious as to why the Gomu Gomu no Mi is so significant to the WG. Does the fruit hold the key for something important? Did someone important in the past have the fruit? Joy Boy?
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    Current Events Wano has WAY too many characters

    For me it's the Big Mom Pirates. I cannot for the life of me figure out why Oda shoehorned her and her crew into this arc. We're told that she "Wants revenge against Strawhat" for what happened, but he easily could have saved her for a future arc such as Elbaf. So far her presence has solely...
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    Current Events Is Wano One of, if Not the Worst One Piece Arc?

    I don't like judging an arc until it's complete and I've reread the entirety of it at once. I've done this with every arc post timeskip in order to get a better feel for Oda's intentions for the arc, and how his execution went. So far though I'm pretty disappointed in Wano. There's way too many...
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    The baiting Room

    Chapters after breaks are rarely better than usual chapters, so I'm thinking it'll be another set up chapter. Probably some dialogue between Kaido and Yamato, yet another pointless clash between them. Catch up on the rest of the crew, then maybe check up on Luffy in Law's sub at the end.
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    Questions & Mysteries Wano is just one big training arc ''masked'' as a war

    I think Oda is aiming to wrap up the manga soonish, and all these power ups are just so that his performance in the final war doesn't look like an asspull. I mean Luffy is clearly gonna be around Yonko level after Wano, you can't really grow much beyond that.
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    General & Others Next Strawhat Crew Members and the Grand Fleet

    What will Yamato's role even be? I've heard people say she can be the scribe for the journey, but doesn't Robin already do something like that?